Just In
for Sacrifice

7/22/2008 c1 56felicia13
Nothing's new... but there's always a way to make it interesting.

At the beginning, this poem reminded me of something I've heard before... but I can't place it. I think it's the style, like the CW3 slammers. Maybe. I don't know; it tickled me.

But it was only for the first three stanzas. Then it shifted to somewhere else.

For this one, I love the beginning. It's so sardonic and... just incredibly cynical. Yet... it's still the beginning of something good. I can't do that, try as I might. With that, I love the last two stanzas, too.

"Nothing is new under the


Indeed. We can only pour our souls out into ink and hope that it resembles something that people find interesting. That's what it's all about, though, isn't it?

I think we (everyone) should pledge to be true to ourselves. Write for passion, not popularity.

Love Always,

7/14/2008 c1 194yodel a blue streak
'that special

unique twist of method'

cool beans.
7/14/2008 c1 15Lorki
The frustration and anger is sort of hidden in this but I when you understand it it's obvious how you feel. Very good poem, both as far as the format and the subject go.

7/13/2008 c1 30J.N. Lloyd
Very well written, I really like the message of the poem. The pent up anger can defnitely be sensed in the poem, but that's probably what made it so good! Wonderful work.

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