Just In
for S e v e n S e c o n d s

7/13/2008 c1 19A. Lincoln
Liked the last part.
7/13/2008 c1 2Nighteh
Beautiful, and a great handling of the subject matter. The random bit of prose in the middle interrupted the flow for me, but it's still quite good.

Favorite stanza:

It isn’t a choice.

It isn’t an option.

It’s an i m p u l s e or e x p u l s i o n.

(And I’ll be damned if it’s the latter)
7/13/2008 c1 15Starlight Socrates

I thank you for still being alive, for reminding me that this website exists, and for posting this.

It took me some looking to remind me who you are. It's been quite a while. How are you?

(If you can't remember who I am, your review on my poem "Apocolypse" was what reminded me. By the way, is that email still valid?)

You always say/said your work was bad, but this is not. You also say this is old - are you still writing?

Very emotionally powerful.
7/13/2008 c1 Julius Gillian
I think I just entered the mind of a scizophrenic? :)
7/13/2008 c1 306Ashelin
Hmm, I 'm not one much for your formant, but I've always been sort of a snob when it comes to anything italic/underlined/bold or even the way people like to do t h i s andthisyouknow? Not saying I don't work these things in my poems sometimes, it just gets overbearing. But I think you used it better than many others on this site, so well done to that.

The subject matter was quite interesting. I liked it.

The last thing I want to say is I didn't quite like how you compiled that sentence that was strung together without spaces. It was difficult to read, and I think it's best to use that type of style to simple things that seem to run together smoothly and practically naturally. Perhaps you were going for the unnatural, disjointed, plastic feel of it, but I didn't go for it. But this was a good poem. Great job, keep writing.

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