Just In
for Just Like A Fruitcake

6/3/2020 c1 3the-booky-bookworm
So relieved that this fic is still here! But (in case you didn't see a notification for my PM) I would sell my soul to read Dear Imagination again
12/28/2016 c5 Guest
It might be more helpful if the genre was changed from humour to parody.
12/28/2016 c4 Guest
Ok seriously what is Bell's deal? Violet needs to get a new friend stat.
2/13/2014 c27 William Kayspear
"You still waiting on that condom?"

I want more lol!
2/13/2014 c21 William Kayspear
2/13/2014 c18 William Kayspear
I like how Vic can say "bitch" perfectly well
2/13/2014 c7 William Kayspear
...What was she telling him to put away... Due to context clues...
7/24/2013 c27 2FerretSong
Ug, the ending felt boriiiiing. (That or I'm really tired, its 3am, been up for 17 hours). I was sorda hoping that masked man wasn't Derek, but my no, of course it is. Then I was hoping the werewolf would eat both of them, that didn't happen either. *Sigh* This probably was a great ending, I'm just too tired to comprehend things. Well, I'm off to FanFiction to read Beetlejuice fanfics!
7/24/2013 c26 FerretSong
350 reviews!

P.S. This chapter was booooooooring!
7/24/2013 c25 FerretSong
Aaaaaaaaah, it's like 230 AM, why am I still reading this!

Good chapter, but I swear this sounds just like the lunch crowd, the same topics and words are the same. Yes, in middle school we kept this insane habit of bringing up perverse topics, weird topics, or zexual innuendo up at lunch while enjoying a disgusting meal. Hm, I wonder what they talk about at high school...
7/23/2013 c24 FerretSong
Vampire boy (a poorly made Jingle Bells parody)

Crashing through Berlin (right?), with a crazy Bella b****, over the line of norm, bleeding all the way. In a crappy motel, waiting on Derek. Oh what fun, it is to be, obsessed with a vampie boy.


Vampire boy, Vampire boy,
Violet's in love with.

Oh what fun, it is to be, obsessed with a vampire boy.

He came to the motel, with that fat chubby girl, her name was Renee. Derek said she's dating Shane, so he didn't cheat on me!


Vampire boy, Vampire boy,
Violet's relieved, YEAH!

Oh what fun, it is to be, obsessed with a vampire boy.

Now imagine it's Christmas and this has a pink bow on it.
7/23/2013 c23 FerretSong
Nah, I don't like red heads, and Violet, well I usually kills blondes. I write murder stories for my friends and come to think of it, everyone dies. Yet, in my regular stories, my main character is a blonde in my main one, and there be vampires, but I base vampires and werewolves off serial killers. Fact: Vampires and Werewolves are fiction made up of the habits of incredibly inhumane Serial Killer's who used or drank blood in vampiric ways (at that time, vampires were unheard of) and Werewolves were made up of Cannibals that travelled in packs that killed like animals, later a witness claimed they weren't human, but wolves. In truth, vampires and werewolves were made to separate ourselves from the cruel sadistic murders and mutilating of bodies made by people who are, sadly, completely human.
7/23/2013 c22 FerretSong
Awe, that one was even more beautiful!
7/23/2013 c21 FerretSong
Wow, bravo, what a beautiful chapter!
7/23/2013 c20 FerretSong
True dat, plain Janes suck, but so do perfect characters. I create my characters with no exceptional beauty, but strong confidence. Every once in a while I let 'em get scarred. I hate Bella Swan, and I hate too pretty of girls. But, yeah, that overly humble attitude kills.

There's an author I read (Darkest Powers author) that purposely made every teen have flaws, no one was a skinny-minnie with perfect skin or blonde hair and tall. One girl was slightly obese (a supporting main character) one girl had serious anger issues, one guy has acne and sweating problems (he's a werewolf and they have issues with puberty and the male main character), another guy has like magic but is blonde but looks chinese but he's not, the main female character was blonde, with red streaks and was short like 4'9" or 5'0" somewhere in there at 16.

To me, your character has no definable flaws which kills some of the ability to relate to her, but your story is still good. Perfect characters aren't better than Plain Janes.
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