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for paint it fake

12/15/2008 c1 5Camelia Sinensis
i know it's meant to be angst, but it was almost adorable for me.

i could see her as a pretty pretty porcelain doll (torn apart, but who cares)
10/15/2008 c1 a hiding girl
(it won't let me log on-you'll have to forgive me)

i find this very emotional. i love the last lines. actually, i love everything about this piece, to be honest.
7/29/2008 c1 65Aquafied
i think what people forget

is that all of life's themes are cliche and repeated

and taken from this or that

i thought this was interesting and i liked the shortness of it

it conveyed its point quite well
7/26/2008 c1 124in theory
The style reflects the subject, free and loose. Nice job.
7/20/2008 c1 194yodel a blue streak
I agree with Ashelin. The beginning seemed a bit cliche to me, but then I read the line "when she tried to cut herself out of her body" which I absolutely love, and the rest seems fresh, honest, authentic...
7/19/2008 c1 306Ashelin
At first I thought it a bit cliche, but I liked how you ended it. There was originality and honesty in there, which are two things that generally help out a poem. It was quite short, but still good.

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