Just In
for Sequel of Life

7/23/2008 c1 Marian Irene Hardy
aww thats brilliant hon, love it

cee x
7/23/2008 c1 6concerto49
It's very emotional and you take the care to depict each bit of detail. Some interesting twists to an average story. The characters sure seem hectic. It's very warm yet engaging. Perhaps you could improve on your sentences.
7/23/2008 c1 11Zebs
That was brilliant L.C! One of the best things I've ever read from you!
7/22/2008 c1 4Renee Anne
Brilliant, keep up the good work! I really liked it and it was well written and strongly worded. I'm expecting great things from you!
7/21/2008 c1 9haveyouseenmyhaggis
That was...breathtaking! It really was amazing! I loved it!

I really liked the idea of a sequel to life. It's believable and heartwarming. It was a brilliant story and I loved it!

Amazing! I hope you write more for FictionPress!


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