Just In
for A Fairytale Ending

4/29/2001 c1 Naomi-chan
::grips her hankerchief:: Oh, that was beautiful! I really do love the way you write. ^_^; The prince was so sweet... I need one. ^_~ As I always say, stay chipper and keep up the good work!
4/19/2001 c1 sAaNicHaAtsAvRiA
hmm...nice poetic structure...good flow...wow..i could use these for lyrics for my choral compositions...LoL~...j/k ...it's ur copyrite...

"Raindrops like diamonds fall"..suggest something lighter to compare raindrops to since we're not talking about a moderate rainfall here...

"sWiShiNg oF fAiRy WiNgS"...hmm..how big are them fairies?

ok...i don't hold a degree in english so by the looks of it it's reallie good so far

4/16/2001 c1 Wynode From ur ICQ LIST
Really Good Technique (I really like that part "Raindrops like diamonds fall

...To serve as chandeliers upon leaves") but I think u need to focus a bit more on your overall story/plot.

Hope dats some good feedback 4 ya! :)


4/16/2001 c1 9Scarr C
Finally you have come to grace fanfiction.net with your delightful, charming, and entertaining pieces. This was classic, beautiful, sweet and extremely well written indeed. Good sense of rythmn and splendid flow.
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