Just In
for Fall For You

6/26/2013 c19 20Ohcai
This was way adorable in lots of ways. Also, it's impressive, the size of you cast of characters. I know that it can be really difficult to keep that many people involved while also keeping the story cohesive. You did wonderfully. I also really appreciated that the actions that the characters took made sense. That might seem like an obvious sort of thing, but so often I read things where the characters have one personality and act as though they have quite another. It was a relief that yours didn't.
2/5/2013 c2 Guest
you need to add 2 percepectives(is that how u spell it? )
4/11/2012 c2 5Don'tStopMeNow
This is a great story. :)

I am in love with Matt. He is so cute and I love his choice of breakfast.
8/25/2011 c19 1Cdelancy
8/20/2011 c11 2Willa Blythe

Quick question...and I really like this story...but how can a third grader rape someone?
7/9/2011 c21 3RiRi122
Oh my god ! i loved you're story, it made me sad, angry and happy all at the same time ! you are very talented. i would love it if you read some of my work, so i could get your oppinion :)

Once again i loved it!
1/1/2011 c13 Alyson
I. Cannot. Believe. You just WINKED. When talking about rape.

Major lovin' on Beau though;] Whatta babe.
10/15/2010 c12 Sob aka SASE1
That's so sad! It's really starting to make me tear up! and I'm the type of girl that crys once every decade! It's so sad, but your an excellent writer. You really had her emotions, her saddness stand out. Even though it's really sad and emotional, the kind of things that I really don't like, It really touched me. Most of the things on this site are cinderella storys where nothing goes wrong, just some minor twists in the story. This piece really said something about the real world, that there are wackos out there and things like this could really happen.

My only complaint is that no way could he of gotten away with such a horrible crime for two whole years. I don't know how it is for people at other peoples schools, but my school has a no-bullying rule. You can't really get away with anything. Heck, just a couple weeks ago a kid tried stealing my highlighter, and not only did I get it back but both the seats he sat next to me got moved and his locker got moved, sense his locker was right next to mine. Beacuse of this, I can't say that dylan could get away with that, not only because of the school but because of the police. It doesn't matter if the girls didn't remeber something, if they had bruises, evidence, then the police would find the culprit, and no, I'm not some cop lover, I just think their not that stupid.

It was a pleasnt read regardless.
6/23/2010 c7 kismet
if i was her and he was beau, i would jump out th window and punch him in the eye and kick him down there!
3/9/2009 c7 2xXForbiddenxMemoriesXx
This is awesome! I love it, teh flow is perfect and the pllot is really good! :)
3/8/2009 c1 xXForbiddenxMemoriesXx
This is awesome! I love it!
2/13/2009 c19 Erica71167
I loved this story! Great job!
2/13/2009 c19 58MetroxStation
OMG! thats rlly all I can think of saying! OMG OMG OMG! This was such an amazing story! I can't believe how good it wuz! OMG! Now i want to read the sequel! Sorry i didn't review every chapter i was so into it I couldnt wait to get to the next chapter! I loved every single chapter! there was never an "omg, this is so boring when is it going to end" moment! i love the girl talk and i love how you switched from one point of view to the next! it was really ahmazing and it kept me on the edge of my seat! im rlly rlly glad that you were able to write through writers block, that just means ur an ahmazing author! KEEP WRITING!


P.S.- My other pennames are Fell For You Again and I am Switzerland, check them out if possible!

Anneliese&Beau 4eva
12/22/2008 c21 3featherstone13
i like it A LOT!

12/6/2008 c2 x race of hearts

what a fuckload of fucks


(: jkays.
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