Just In
for One Year Stand

4/6/2010 c21 mitra
i have been reading a lot of stories lately and i think its one of the best stories so far.. keep it up.. great work!
4/4/2010 c21 1mpookiew
Loved the ending! Great story.
4/4/2010 c11 3TrixieBell
HA! this story is delicious... can a story be delicious? oh well.

kevin lee is heavenly... kevinlee heavenly... I MADE A RHYME! im so proud of myself. :)

anyway, i love the story! you are a genius. a very funny genius..most genius's arent funny so... kudos to you! ^_^

mmhmm...upload soon please! and i'll give you a cyber cookie.

~Trixie Bell
4/1/2010 c21 3ryse

ending could've been written better.

I don't think Kevin is .. cold enough.

Jessica annoyed me half the time.


I finished reading the story.

Define that as you will.
4/1/2010 c21 14Sapphyre Nymph
i didnt really like the ending..

it seemed as if you had so much ready for the big BANG!

and then, it was a bit.. so-so...

but i really loved the story..

3/31/2010 c3 ShadowHeHaHo-deleted
3/25/2010 c21 21songbirdalice
GAH!I love this story! I had to review, it was stuck on 6 lol.
3/25/2010 c21 DELETE THIS ACCOUNT NOW 323402
i love this story from start to finish


soo brilliantly amazing

thanksfor making my day :D
3/25/2010 c7 DELETE THIS ACCOUNT NOW 323402
i love this story :D
3/22/2010 c21 applenica
hi! i'm your new reader.

i love your story very much. jessica is so funny, clumsy and bubble tea addict. kevin is so sneaky, why he always so smart pop out of knowhere like a geanie. i like the happy ending. i hope you can write the sequel ^^
3/21/2010 c11 1Candescence
Aw...Kevin was so sweet in this chapter. But Im not feeling good with Jess mingling with Mafia people. I think it's really stupid of her to do that, but I guess it's just her personality.
3/17/2010 c19 Aradia Cloud
Kevin you little friggin prick. O my GOD. He shot her; he freaking shot her. I'm gonna kill him. No, really, I will.
3/16/2010 c13 Aradia Cloud
Oh, this is horrible. He's gonna marry that superstar.
3/15/2010 c21 4Silvertwinkle
TO CUTE! Loved the story. :)
2/27/2010 c21 1TammyS3
Your story is AMAZING! This has got to be one of the best stories out there. Again - Amazing!
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