Just In
for One Year Stand

4/30/2013 c21 Angelbaby1991
Great Story! I really enjoyed reading this.
4/12/2013 c21 8theKnobblyKneedWriter
This is perfection
3/28/2013 c21 8Jo Suzuki
I. Love. Jess! It was such an adorably cute story to read! Thank you! :D
2/2/2013 c21 3HummingtoMyself
Loved this so much! I love your writing style and it's so comical and i don't think i've laughed out loud so much while reading.

Great job! And I love happy endings :)
1/9/2013 c16 puddleduck
i love this story! :) its really cute and comical.. you write really well! i have two tiny issues.. which are mainly factual.. number 1: there is no such thing as a malaria shot! only pills. secondly, the art of seduction in paris is to cover up and not dressed scantily (from what i understand).. there you go, keep writing. im enjoying it very much
12/20/2012 c21 HeadOverHeelsInHate
Awww! Cute! Awesome story! Love it
12/19/2012 c21 glowingstar101
12/18/2012 c11 glowingstar101
This chapter is soooooo cute!
12/10/2012 c3 heyho
Your plot is great but I'm having a hard time believing this character. How can a 28-year old doctor act THIS immature. I'm sorry but who blows raspberries at that age? That's just my two cents.
11/20/2012 c21 Guest
Such a sweet and thrilling story! So many twists throughout the ploy but im the end, everything worked out well... They have a family now! Im into that lovey dovey stuff.. Most of the time. Well i love it and i am looking forward to reading more of your stories, keep up the awesome work :D xx
11/5/2012 c21 BeesBee
Wait.. that was the end of the story? Oh. :( Okay. It didn't feel like the end of a story, and I kept trying to click to the next chapter until I realized that this was the last one.. Bollocks! Nonetheless, STILL ADORE THIS STORY.

So much feels :')
10/28/2012 c21 Sheryl
OH MY GOD This was so great I have tears in my eyes and my hearts all twisted up in knots because I DON'T HAVE WHAT JESS HAS *cries*

This was a really fun and funny and well written story and it was perfect in the emotional sides. But I just wished it did have the sex scenes it because well...who doesn't love a bit of lemon? hehhhhhh

Nevertheless this is amazing and omg I need to get myself a mafia boss rawrrrrr!
8/3/2012 c21 Make Your Mark
YAYAYAYAYAY! They ended up together! 3 3

Happiness! I loved this story! The twist was really good too! :D
8/2/2012 c21 Preposterous
Sweetest, most lovable couple ever! Great story.
6/23/2012 c21 vitajenny
I'm a bit disappointed at where the story ended. The story was also rushed. But I love Kevin and Jess' characters! :)
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