Just In
for Hugs and Kisses

2/25/2021 c1 vid-gamer-of-Hyrule
God, I actually cried. Well done!
11/4/2020 c1 Guest
It's been a long time since something made me feel this much.
8/19/2020 c1 jyottoor
very cute
8/6/2020 c1 Guest
i really got scared for a second but overall this was soooo good
4/16/2017 c1 danica.dejuan
Amazing story
4/8/2017 c1 13Shailaputri
Wow..She did great...I love happy endings..This is quite good as both of them tries their best.
6/26/2016 c1 Guest
I'm crying. Wah. My feeeeeeels.

I do have a little complaint though.

When I was reading this story through a second time, I realised that you jumped tenses a few times.

Second last section: "She's been hurting [past] ...She's been holding back [past] ...It just hurts [present]"

Last section: "He says he is sorry [present] ...He said that [past]... He loves it [present]"

Present tense is hard, I get it. Just read it through and identify all past tense verbs and change them accordingly. There were a few more jumps, but I can't be bothered to put them all down.

Apart from that, I loved this oneshot so, so, so, much; thankyou for bringing it into existance. 3

6/8/2016 c1 Guest
That was depressing
12/21/2015 c1 justme
This is the third one shot I've read and liked. Im not really a fan of oneshots, so…

Anyway, this is beautiful. It's like some summary of a whole novel, but just as beautiful. The plot is simple. Any writer could've thought of something like that, but the difference is that you actually managed to write it down and in such a meaningful, flawless way. Thumbs up for this one!
11/14/2015 c1 annayh44
AWWWW Sweet ...I LOVE IT! Ugh but boys are stupid
8/30/2015 c1 Guest
Still one of my favourites 3
8/20/2015 c1 Guest
that was amazing...i usually go for fluffier oneshots, but this is supernice...keep writing!


1/9/2015 c1 8DenimKitty
Honestly this is amazing, I don't cry easily when I read but you can really feel the hurt and pain and just the emotion in this. Great job :)
11/23/2014 c1 naschelle
wow! amazing!
7/25/2014 c1 tizzledubs
holy smokes. i am in tears.
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