Just In
for A Reason To Live

9/14/2008 c6 2chrissayyy
Aww, I wanted to know how this story would end, but I understand how hard it could be to finish it. At least you're going to keep writting! Can't wait to read it:D
9/9/2008 c5 chrissayyy
I like how fast you update, please get the next chapter out soon!
9/7/2008 c4 chrissayyy
Yay! Another update :D

I liked this, and I feel really bad for Bella. I like Hayden and Kelly though, they seem really nice and not fake nice. I hope she warms up to them sometime soon!

9/7/2008 c3 3starlit x sky
The first two chapters were really sad, but it's a good story.

This chapter was really good. A good cliffhanger at the end!
9/4/2008 c3 30Waitingnotsopatiently
Hahaha! The last line totally made me laugh!

Great story...a tad bit depressing. But the more depressing it is in the beginning the more happy it can get...RIGHT!


Great story(again). Update it soon!
9/1/2008 c3 2chrissayyy
Oh wow, this guy is really forward.

So Hayden is his name? I like it, sounds hot ;)

Can't wait for the rest, update soon :D
8/31/2008 c2 chrissayyy
I wonder who that guy is, I feel really bad for Bella :(

Please update soon!

8/31/2008 c1 chrissayyy
This prologue was really good, and well written.

I was drawn right away, and that flashback was so sad :(

I like this so far, I'll go read the rest :D
8/27/2008 c2 oldoldold
I like very much. :)

Please continue?

Katie x
8/17/2008 c1 10Koki Enwai
Hey, this is pretty good so far. I'm looking forward to reading more!

- Koki

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