Just In
for Better Half

11/6/2011 c1 9Cydog2
I'm not much of a critic but I do enjoy good poetry. Very good. My muse is gone so just about anything I put up will feel hollow and meaningless to me. But keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing some more of your poetry.
8/19/2008 c1 1tonight we bloom
i love your writing style & your poem.

i just recently began writing poetry for fictionpress. it would mean the world to me if you could read & review my work.

feedback from a writer like you would be so great!

thank you so much

and again, great work.
8/19/2008 c1 65Nemonus
Pretty nice rhymes, and the fourth stanza brings up an interesting point. Nice progression too, from the "him" the narrator rues to the "you" she feels more comfortable with.
8/19/2008 c1 30Charite
great, i like the flow. good job

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