Just In
for Ki Fashions

9/26/2009 c18 bailandochic
Love this story please update soon. I hope that Serena or the grandparents for that matter did not hear his little confession!
9/21/2009 c18 Muffin Cake
love this story..write more soon
9/7/2009 c18 5Oyuki
i love ultimatums. lol. i h ope this doesn't ruin his relationship w/ serena. he's a workaholic! please have more soon!
8/23/2009 c18 1PeterMoore
thanks so much for the update
8/22/2009 c18 2dutchess123
i love this story plz update again soon!
8/22/2009 c18 1September Sapphire
OH EMM GE! this story is amazing! update soon!
8/22/2009 c18 1dawn's unforgiving darkness
8/22/2009 c18 Crescent City Chick
I am so sorry for doubting you. I love this story. Here I was thinking. There isn't really anywhere else to go. But you proved me wrong. After the kiss I thought it was just going to turn to pure fluff (not that I don't like fluff) but you just keep me coming back for more. I'm so excited to read what happends next. Can't wait for more. (BTW, that goes for ur other stories too. LOVE ur writing!)
8/22/2009 c18 aquarebel90
I love this story. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I love it! =)
8/22/2009 c18 kris89
im excited that you started the story up again. great job and update soon!
8/22/2009 c18 PeterPandaPeople

XP Dear lord, I was waiting for. ever. XD

Where have you been?

Im happy to know your still alive and i hope you'll be posting the next chapter soon.
7/16/2009 c17 french touch 8D
They're finally togeter, it's so sweet ! Anyway, awesome story. Please tell me you're alive and happily writing the next update lol. Please update soon!

7/6/2009 c1 2dutchess123
can u plzz... update soon...
5/19/2009 c16 EcentricEssense
great story!
5/10/2009 c17 2TrueBelle
Aw man I really love this. Plz update soon. :-)
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