Just In
for A Trip On the Lips

5/10/2010 c17 silver rocker
aw..so cute
5/10/2010 c1 silver rocker
why is the guy blushing? hahahaha..funny and cute keep it up!..mwuahh
5/10/2010 c27 lizingrey
oh my goodness i love this! i read it all in one sitting! it was so good!
5/6/2010 c27 jodiggity
Oh my god. this was so good!
5/4/2010 c2 Carmen Caine the Human Lupin
Well OBVIOUSLY everyone just loves your story. I have not read past the second chapter but you had me hooked by the very first! I really like how you can show Your characters emotio s yet give her a funny sense of humor! I just recently signed up so I do not know if I will have any stories up yet soon. But if I do will ypu. Check it out for your wolfish waist/butt length haired dramatic short tempered future ninth grade friend? I will try to Finish your story and give reviews in every chapter. Isn't this the one you once spoke to me of last year? If it is. I am LOVinG it! Hope I see you soon
5/1/2010 c27 1JustWords
Freaking awesome story you have! I love it(not to mention the name xD), and its written very well.

I love the epilogue, and looking forward to that sequel, up or not xD

cheers, good luck writing in the future!
4/21/2010 c27 xoxluurve
LOVELY STORY! I actually had to study for a biology quiz... but then I got caught up in your story and it is 2:35 AM, but I usually sleep late. Sometimes Cira is a little, well, not ANNOYING but she doesn't understand. And Hayden is just a cute pie. I would love him as a friend. Tye is gorgeous, and Winna is sexy. I want Paul. LOL. I think somewhere in the earlier chapter you mixed Hayden's mom's name with a different name; it was when Cira was mentioning that Ms Breese wanted her to call her by her first name. If that made sense, haha.

All and all, this was a nice cliche story that made me smile. I'm glad that Hayden's heart didn't fail - at least what we know. God, that's depressing. But through thick and thin, THEY SHOULD STICK TOGETHER! Yes! LOL. OK, too happy in the morning. :P Happy writing!


4/7/2010 c27 alice XD
I LOVE THIS its totally amazing, and i really carnt wait to read your other stories. :)
4/5/2010 c1 9AmethystAngel-18
Awesome story! One of the best I ever read! I really loved this. Continue making wonderful stories like this.
3/21/2010 c22 7twilight121
Hey! The story is awesome so far! I can't finish it all at the moment so I'm gonna put it on Story Alert even though it's completed.
3/16/2010 c27 1iloveromancebooks
I freaking LOVED this story. I was almost in tears each time Hayden left or was drunk or anything about it. And I knew Cira and Hayden would get together from just the first chapter. Great story, absolutely AMAZING. I can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed it!
3/13/2010 c27 shoe-aholic
OMG this story is great! i loved it... i started reading it yesterday and couldnt stop! hayden is my new love
2/21/2010 c1 chasing colors
Wow this is good story:)

Im writing one - its gonna be a F/F romance

XD I needed research on how good writers write! haha
2/18/2010 c27 mysonjacob
just finished you're story and all i got to say is love it!.. love it! and love it!.. it's going into my fave for sure!
2/17/2010 c27 3strawberrycrush


I loved the ending..the pregnant thing..!

But my favorite part was when Cira caught Tye and Winna making out..!

My favorite character was Paul for some reason..! :)

You could do a one shot for Paul..i'd love to see him again..! :)
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