Just In
for A Trip On the Lips

4/19/2012 c28 6MorWolfMor
This was an absolutely wonderful story! I really loved it :) great job through the whole thing

4/9/2012 c28 Devin
AWWWWWWEEE! This was awesome! I LOVED the end, and how Hayden's a cardiologist :) PLUS THERE'S A BABY! :')

Tye and Cira's nicknames were adorable, and Aida and Noah are adorable!
3/25/2012 c27 ColourCascade
This is one of my favorite stories! It was absolutely awesome. It's one of those stories that make you feel like its a real life story and you can't stop thinking about it after you finish it :) and it all started off with her tripping :)
3/20/2012 c27 4asheepiage
I loooved this! So cuuuute! :D I'll check out the stories you suggested to :D I seriously cant get over how awesome this was! :D
3/15/2012 c19 asheepiage
Nawwww everything was so lovey-dovey and then it was all NUP... :D I love that! Great chapter! Update soon!
2/22/2012 c25 8Hayley Jade Alisdair
Defs possible- my mums sis married my dads bro
1/26/2012 c27 5WritingElephant
12/29/2011 c24 15Ice Bubble
! (I'm wailing for no definite reason...)
12/29/2011 c19 Ice Bubble
Oh yea, Hayden Christensen was in Starwars.
12/28/2011 c9 Ice Bubble
At the end I'm just like 'HA!' and now everyone's looking at me funny. :P
12/28/2011 c5 Ice Bubble
Tiramisu... I really need to try that stuff. I'm hearing about it EVERYWHERE.
12/28/2011 c2 Ice Bubble
LOL Cira's such a smut. But she's not as bad as some people I know. I mean, I'm definitely NOT one of them. Nuh-uh. *cough*
12/28/2011 c1 Ice Bubble
It's a really nice start. =) *nod nod*
12/20/2011 c27 Liley
Loved this amazing story.
12/12/2011 c1 5christinaxxyo
This is cute :)
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