Just In
for A Trip On the Lips

8/13/2011 c1 Hey

Found this on wattpad just thought you should know , in case you don't already

8/12/2011 c27 cristina
lalalalaloooove it :D 3
8/11/2011 c6 Beatlesintheheart12
:) Cute. Really really cute :) I loved it :D i'm really enjoying each chapter and i don't want to stop lol
8/10/2011 c20 chantellovesya
This chapter made me cry when he was talking about how scared he was of hurting his relatives because it might fail.

My uncle had a heart transplant and died a year later from failure so...yeah, I know the pain.
8/4/2011 c1 Tracy
Is it you? i am just making sure someone is not stealing your works.

7/31/2011 c10 1Germany
I see you really like reviews and I promised myself that I would review any story I read...even if I quit reading a story I would still review, saying why I stopped reading.

On this case, I've decided to stop reading a little over a third into this story. Don't get me wrong; it's not a bad story. Not at all. It has it's cute/funny moments. But I feel that it's pace can be rushed on some parts. I felt that you skipped over the scenes in a quite choppy way. Enough where I would be confused at the story's location.

I find the characters a little one-demensional or two-demensional. The dialougue - for the guys - seem a little too girlish in my opinion. I just didn't find it all believable, and - being honest - it got annoying to me.

As you can see in Romance writing, I can be very picky. It's not my favorite genre, but I do like it. But I'm still picky. Very few Romances will I read all the way through and say I honestly enjoyed it all.

Again, I don't hate your story, but I don't love it. It's just not my favorite type of Romance story ;D
7/25/2011 c1 Erin Alice
Finally a heroine that's my height!

I'm 4'11 too so I can't really identify with a lot of stories u.u

Great first chapter btw love the way they meet (:
6/19/2011 c27 popsicle-stick26
amaaaaazing story :)
6/11/2011 c1 1CookieNinja
haha. i love Cira i know exactly how she feels being four eleven.
6/7/2011 c27 ilikeeunicorns
I loved your story! It was great and kept my interest(: I know you wrote this a long time ago, but I'm going to point out that your grammar could have been better. Anyways, I wanted to say that I read your story in about two days time!
5/5/2011 c27 4wakeyourdreamz

So, I really loved your story! It was great, the characters, the plot.

It was all so great! An awesome idea for a story.

Although, there are a lot of spelling and grammatical errors that could be edited. A long daunting task ahead for you, but it would make the story all the more enjoyable. Personally, it seems to me, that when you read a story with mistakes, they become imperitive and you can't escape them, always catching you're attention and frankly it annoys me. I'm glad I continued with your story though, Noah and Aila are so darn cute. Gosh! Everyone was so cute, bar Analise. Snooty bitch. Also, I'm glad Hayden didn't die, I would've cried.


Great story~


4/23/2011 c27 9Binkybaby
Why doesn't Hayden ask Cira to marry him yet? Jeeze Whiz lol LOVED IT
3/31/2011 c11 Chickwiththesquirtgun
I really like this story! Could you possibly try to fix the picture problem on your homepage though? I'd really like to have a visual of the characters to see if they are different from what I am picturing!
3/27/2011 c27 3Thulia
Wow.THis is so good.

The begining isnt really that attention grabbing; I nearly stopped reading it

, but I am soo glad I didnt now, but its still good though.

THe way you develope the story is just fantastic.And the way you portray

the stress of both of them is really good too.

Just one question,two actually: did they get married? And what happened to paul?

Any way wishinhg you extravagant amounts of luck .

3/25/2011 c1 Random person
It is so amazing. I love the details you put in it makes me feel like I'm reading a real YA novel :) Keep writing!
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