Just In
for For Your Sake

10/29/2020 c2 Guest
But you never have. It’s so disappointing. It has so much potential and I’d love to see it all play out.
10/29/2020 c1 Guest
I come back to this story every few years hoping you’ve updated :(
11/28/2015 c8 zagato
Thank you for writing. I hope you can continue.
10/21/2014 c8 LetMeWonder
He should have gone to her!
10/21/2014 c7 LetMeWonder
What the heck.
10/21/2014 c6 LetMeWonder
Yay! Yeah man!
10/21/2014 c5 LetMeWonder
Ohhh burn.
10/21/2014 c4 LetMeWonder
Ugh the gossip colums are making me so upset.
10/21/2014 c3 LetMeWonder
So frustrating!
10/21/2014 c2 LetMeWonder
Geez Vincent is so judgmental.
9/18/2014 c1 JCHL
I know you haven't updated this for, literally, YEARS, but I just went and reread the whole series and gosh, I love it as much as the first time I read it. :D I hope you consider finishing this one off at least! Or at least tell me what happens?!
3/30/2014 c5 2PotOfGoldXxx
This rings alike to Emma, which I've been meaning to read for AGES gah, but I love this! I'm really looking forward to reading all you've uploaded so far and I hope you update soon!
3/16/2014 c8 shinju asuka
Can't wait for next chapter! This is good!
1/19/2014 c8 kiki19857
is there any way you can update this story? This is really a great story! Please don't let it gather dust on the shelves, okay?
5/3/2012 c8 AbbeyXD
Oh gosh you have to u
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