Just In
for The End of Fayt

12/1/2012 c1 Afan
Wow that was simply amazing, i could go on reading n reading...more please!
9/28/2012 c1 4GrangerDanger333
WOWWWWWWWWWWW! This is soooo good! Really amazingly written, even if it seemed a little rushed at the end, but I still loved the whole of it. And all the dragon plot was so great! :D
I love love love this!
8/25/2012 c1 SadEyedLady
WOW. I loved that so much. You're a great writer, and Ii can't believe how much effort and detail you put into that. The whole thing was perfect, not an unnecessary line to be found.
3/7/2012 c1 3alexisrenee

Okay, definitely lovin' this one right here! I always loved dragon stories, especially slash ones.


A really awesome short story!
1/27/2012 c1 JJ
Enjoyed that tremendously, would have loved it even more as a multi-chaptered story cos the storyline and characters were amazing and I do so love dragons. More of the same please...but make it lots longer!
6/9/2011 c1 1Ben Tramsami
Quite lovely, my dear author! I definitely enjoyed reading this. I do wish there was some lemon-y goodness, but that can be pushed aside for the sake of an excellent plot. Fantastic job on this!
9/29/2010 c1 DNAstar
aw thats cute love the story so cute
8/23/2010 c1 ireadtoomanybooks
Why do you hate everything after Dren wakes up? I love this story. Dragons are a special favourite of mine :D
8/10/2010 c1 20purplehost
I thought they were going to mate another way. I'm glad it was just blood exchange though.
6/2/2010 c1 3DesertRoseFallen
I liked it! I couldn't detect your animosity for the location at all so you did a good job of hiding it. I do love your characters and Dren was my favourite. It was nice for a one shot and I feel it has a good standing as it is!
4/13/2010 c1 Dark Lynnette
interesting read. nice pacing and dialogue. Thanks for sharing it.
1/31/2010 c1 6jshortcake
I have such a soft-spot for anthro-dragon stories, with MATES even!

So I guess I don't really have to tell you that I liked this lots. But I just did.
8/22/2009 c1 sern
great story. i'm impressed by this, and i'm gonna go look at some of your other works now!
7/14/2009 c1 23frogs of war
Since Fayt was unconscious at the time, I'm glad the form the mating took.

But now that Fayt is better, I hope they return to their room. That bed is probably covered in blood. Although I'm not sure how much that would bug a dragon.
5/28/2009 c1 xXxStarStrifexXx
That was wonderfully written and you have no need to dislike the ending - it was terrific! :)
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