12/1/2012 c1 Afan
Wow that was simply amazing, i could go on reading n reading...more please!
Wow that was simply amazing, i could go on reading n reading...more please!
9/28/2012 c1
WOWWWWWWWWWWW! This is soooo good! Really amazingly written, even if it seemed a little rushed at the end, but I still loved the whole of it. And all the dragon plot was so great! :D
I love love love this!

WOWWWWWWWWWWW! This is soooo good! Really amazingly written, even if it seemed a little rushed at the end, but I still loved the whole of it. And all the dragon plot was so great! :D
I love love love this!
8/25/2012 c1 SadEyedLady
WOW. I loved that so much. You're a great writer, and Ii can't believe how much effort and detail you put into that. The whole thing was perfect, not an unnecessary line to be found.
WOW. I loved that so much. You're a great writer, and Ii can't believe how much effort and detail you put into that. The whole thing was perfect, not an unnecessary line to be found.
3/7/2012 c1
Okay, definitely lovin' this one right here! I always loved dragon stories, especially slash ones.
A really awesome short story!

Okay, definitely lovin' this one right here! I always loved dragon stories, especially slash ones.
A really awesome short story!
1/27/2012 c1 JJ
Enjoyed that tremendously, would have loved it even more as a multi-chaptered story cos the storyline and characters were amazing and I do so love dragons. More of the same please...but make it lots longer!
Enjoyed that tremendously, would have loved it even more as a multi-chaptered story cos the storyline and characters were amazing and I do so love dragons. More of the same please...but make it lots longer!
6/9/2011 c1
1Ben Tramsami
Quite lovely, my dear author! I definitely enjoyed reading this. I do wish there was some lemon-y goodness, but that can be pushed aside for the sake of an excellent plot. Fantastic job on this!

Quite lovely, my dear author! I definitely enjoyed reading this. I do wish there was some lemon-y goodness, but that can be pushed aside for the sake of an excellent plot. Fantastic job on this!
8/23/2010 c1 ireadtoomanybooks
Why do you hate everything after Dren wakes up? I love this story. Dragons are a special favourite of mine :D
Why do you hate everything after Dren wakes up? I love this story. Dragons are a special favourite of mine :D
8/10/2010 c1
I thought they were going to mate another way. I'm glad it was just blood exchange though.

I thought they were going to mate another way. I'm glad it was just blood exchange though.
6/2/2010 c1
I liked it! I couldn't detect your animosity for the location at all so you did a good job of hiding it. I do love your characters and Dren was my favourite. It was nice for a one shot and I feel it has a good standing as it is!

I liked it! I couldn't detect your animosity for the location at all so you did a good job of hiding it. I do love your characters and Dren was my favourite. It was nice for a one shot and I feel it has a good standing as it is!
1/31/2010 c1
I have such a soft-spot for anthro-dragon stories, with MATES even!
So I guess I don't really have to tell you that I liked this lots. But I just did.

I have such a soft-spot for anthro-dragon stories, with MATES even!
So I guess I don't really have to tell you that I liked this lots. But I just did.
8/22/2009 c1 sern
great story. i'm impressed by this, and i'm gonna go look at some of your other works now!
great story. i'm impressed by this, and i'm gonna go look at some of your other works now!
7/14/2009 c1
23frogs of war
Since Fayt was unconscious at the time, I'm glad the form the mating took.
But now that Fayt is better, I hope they return to their room. That bed is probably covered in blood. Although I'm not sure how much that would bug a dragon.

Since Fayt was unconscious at the time, I'm glad the form the mating took.
But now that Fayt is better, I hope they return to their room. That bed is probably covered in blood. Although I'm not sure how much that would bug a dragon.
5/28/2009 c1 xXxStarStrifexXx
That was wonderfully written and you have no need to dislike the ending - it was terrific! :)
That was wonderfully written and you have no need to dislike the ending - it was terrific! :)