Just In
for Nerves

8/20/2021 c41 32InnerBeauty507
What happens between them! Need more chapters!
12/8/2017 c12 Guest
This hits so fucking close to home. ;-;
4/26/2016 c41 ikeea
I just found your today and it's amazing.i hope you continue it::)
12/30/2015 c41 T.M
Wow absolutely wow! I am completely awed by this story. It goes without saying that I love this story, I really do. The emotional connection I have with this story will forever be embedded in me. Not only has this story taught me how face my problems but it has inspired me to write more, not just to write but to write with emotion and those are lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Thank you.
9/28/2015 c1 AndTheWholeHeartShrinks
Absolutely one of my favorite stories of all time on this site... I love it to pieces!
9/8/2015 c41 5Ishotthealbatross
This was an amazing story and I choose to believe that eventually, Ryan's family accepted Davey :-)
9/8/2015 c40 Ishotthealbatross
Awww Davey's mom is as adorable as him :-)
9/8/2015 c39 Ishotthealbatross
So proud of Davey right now _
9/4/2015 c38 Ishotthealbatross
Yay he finally said it back *whoops*
9/4/2015 c37 Ishotthealbatross
9/4/2015 c36 Ishotthealbatross
They're still adorable...way too adorable.
9/4/2015 c35 Ishotthealbatross
This chapter stole my heart.
9/3/2015 c34 Ishotthealbatross
Huh. I don't like Ryan being left out :(
9/3/2015 c33 Ishotthealbatross
Loved this :-)
9/3/2015 c32 Ishotthealbatross
Ahaha love that last sentence XD
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