Just In
for The Day I Lost My Shoe

5/23/2009 c2 4Jasey Rae
hahahaha, i like the ADD of this story, it jumps around so much. it adds so much to the entire story. i also like that she says whatever's on her mind, and her thoughts are totally justified to her, even though everyone else thinks she's kinda crazy:)
2/17/2009 c3 5DeathsBlackRose
i love this and its randomness! please write more
9/22/2008 c3 2chrissayyy
You edited it right?

LOL we all need immatureness (which I'm sure isn't a word) every once in a while :P This makes me laugh like nothing else can, I like it!
9/21/2008 c3 A.M. Dawson
Haha, food fight. Nice.

:) I like it :)

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