12/7/2008 c7
Only two more chapters? I thought for sure this would be longer...
Anyway, now you need to update so I can see how it ends!

Only two more chapters? I thought for sure this would be longer...
Anyway, now you need to update so I can see how it ends!
12/5/2008 c7
1Alicia Davis
nice chapter! I wouldn't mind if it was a smidge longer but its a good chapter so I'll let it go this time haha jk =D love the story! Keep on updating. =]

nice chapter! I wouldn't mind if it was a smidge longer but its a good chapter so I'll let it go this time haha jk =D love the story! Keep on updating. =]
12/4/2008 c7
Ah, I can't wait to read the other two chapters! I've always loved new versions of old folk stories. And great job in creating the misunderstood villain.

Ah, I can't wait to read the other two chapters! I've always loved new versions of old folk stories. And great job in creating the misunderstood villain.
12/3/2008 c7
2Angel of Ink
Lovely story. You caught my attention with the mention of if being a Swedish story- my grandmother was from Sweden, and people don't think about Sweden much unless they live there. It's kind of cool to read something that originated from there, even if I've never been and know nothing about it.

Lovely story. You caught my attention with the mention of if being a Swedish story- my grandmother was from Sweden, and people don't think about Sweden much unless they live there. It's kind of cool to read something that originated from there, even if I've never been and know nothing about it.
11/16/2008 c6 kitty
please don't kill her!
anwyays, I think your writing style is beautiful!
please don't kill her!
anwyays, I think your writing style is beautiful!
11/5/2008 c6
1Alicia Davis
I love it ! there are a few minor grammer mistakes... but it's awesome updated ness makes it all better! love it keeo up the good work~!

I love it ! there are a few minor grammer mistakes... but it's awesome updated ness makes it all better! love it keeo up the good work~!
11/3/2008 c6 Sonyashinto
This story is very interesting. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Please update soon
Ja-Ne =^_^=
This story is very interesting. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Please update soon
Ja-Ne =^_^=
11/3/2008 c6
Aw! So cute! I found some grammatical mistakes in some of the chapters (i.e. when referring to God, the "L" in "the lord" is usually capitalized), but other than that, so far it has been wonderfully adorable! Keep writing, I want to see how it turns out!

Aw! So cute! I found some grammatical mistakes in some of the chapters (i.e. when referring to God, the "L" in "the lord" is usually capitalized), but other than that, so far it has been wonderfully adorable! Keep writing, I want to see how it turns out!
11/3/2008 c6
I was actually thinking about this story the other day. As in, "Hmm, I wonder if that one story about the girl and the water-thing's been updated" (except, of course, my thoughts don't form themselves into sentences, usually).
My first impression of the nix was creper! Mostly because he lures Katrine over and pretends to be this young, innocent thing to win her affection. Then I felt a bit sympathetic towards him, because he's just lonely and he's clearly been in love with her for a while. But then I realized, he's watched her grow up and he's vastly older than her, and that's kind of weird. Like, I will most likely still like them as a couple, but every once and a while I'll get a twinge of "kind of nasty". But that's just me.
You had a couple grammar/typo errors (notably typing "hr trance" instead of "her trance"), but nothing too severe.
And you shouldn't have said that at the end. Now I want to go find it!

I was actually thinking about this story the other day. As in, "Hmm, I wonder if that one story about the girl and the water-thing's been updated" (except, of course, my thoughts don't form themselves into sentences, usually).
My first impression of the nix was creper! Mostly because he lures Katrine over and pretends to be this young, innocent thing to win her affection. Then I felt a bit sympathetic towards him, because he's just lonely and he's clearly been in love with her for a while. But then I realized, he's watched her grow up and he's vastly older than her, and that's kind of weird. Like, I will most likely still like them as a couple, but every once and a while I'll get a twinge of "kind of nasty". But that's just me.
You had a couple grammar/typo errors (notably typing "hr trance" instead of "her trance"), but nothing too severe.
And you shouldn't have said that at the end. Now I want to go find it!
10/29/2008 c5
1Alicia Davis
O.o ok now every book that you have on here has me under its spell, sadly the cry of the corpse is blocked on these stupid school computers..- sad moment- but i simply live for you writing! please i know that your focused on the stepway and dragon kisses but throw a chapter to this book every once in a while please!

O.o ok now every book that you have on here has me under its spell, sadly the cry of the corpse is blocked on these stupid school computers..- sad moment- but i simply live for you writing! please i know that your focused on the stepway and dragon kisses but throw a chapter to this book every once in a while please!
10/27/2008 c5 BeanBagChair11
this story is really interesting. poor Katrine, she doesn't want a boy! :( it's kinda funny, when you say it like that, but it's still sad.
and this nix...does he like Katrine? or does he just want a girl? haha
update! :)
this story is really interesting. poor Katrine, she doesn't want a boy! :( it's kinda funny, when you say it like that, but it's still sad.
and this nix...does he like Katrine? or does he just want a girl? haha
update! :)
10/19/2008 c5
tres interesante...me likes! the plot is interesting, and the characters seem very real. i'm not familiar with the tale (didn't you mention this was based on something?), but i want to know how it ends!
update again soon!

tres interesante...me likes! the plot is interesting, and the characters seem very real. i'm not familiar with the tale (didn't you mention this was based on something?), but i want to know how it ends!
update again soon!
10/18/2008 c1
Review Marathon! Link in my profile!
I really like the tone of this piece, it's really hard to get fables right, but I think that you've done it really well.
Also, the premise of this seems intriguing, and I know nothing about Scottish tales, so this is very interesting to me.
Overall this had some good writing and I loved how instead of having his wife get angry with him for selling their child away, you had her laugh. It added a realistic touch to the story.

Review Marathon! Link in my profile!
I really like the tone of this piece, it's really hard to get fables right, but I think that you've done it really well.
Also, the premise of this seems intriguing, and I know nothing about Scottish tales, so this is very interesting to me.
Overall this had some good writing and I loved how instead of having his wife get angry with him for selling their child away, you had her laugh. It added a realistic touch to the story.