Just In
for I'm bold like that

7/30/2010 c1 145young and the reckless
this is phenomenal. a favorite, because this will have me thinking and feeling inspired for a very long time.
9/5/2009 c1 1k+Faithless Juliet
I loved (if I may steal your phrase) the boldness of this. Who else, but you, would say they choose the ocean, because their bold like that…?

Imagery was top notch, and you presented valid reasoning and responsive to your theory. You idealize the whale; it becomes almost a mythical god-like creature. Keep up the good work.

Much love,


Jules, via the Review Marathon (links in my profile)
7/8/2009 c1 1tonight we bloom
Great great great. Loved it.

"deeper than your mind can comprehend,

and breathing what you cannot breathe." STUNNING.

I feel the word "belly" didn't fit in with the tone of the rest of your poem, though. Maybe that's just me...

I love your writing.
12/28/2008 c1 103Jesse the Storyteller
Not to be scientific and logical, but... "and breathing what you cannot breathe"... while I love this line for its beauty, whales breathe oxygen like us. They have to consistently come up for air. Hahaha.

The last three lines are kind of overdramatic, I think. Usually stuff like this works in your other poems with its complexity and beauty. But here it seems overdramatic - maybe because you're overdoing the emotions in this poem a little bit too much.

However, I love these lines: "Just so you know, if it comes to choosing sides, / I choose the ocean." They are beautiful and I want to write them on the sidewalk of my college. :P

All of your poetry is fabulous. You are a gift to the world and I'm happy to have met you.


Attack of the review marathon! (link in profile)
11/4/2008 c1 BatsandBows
I love numbers about the ocean, and I'm a sucker for beautiful imagery. Great job, I will definitely keep an eye on you

~ BatsandBows
11/1/2008 c1 10winteria
...wow. I don't even know what to say.

I love this piece. Every line just draws me in and I drown in it. What a way to understate everything.

10/19/2008 c1 26perdita's kiss
aah the end is epic
10/8/2008 c1 29Leaves of Labefaction
It's really good. I won't say it's perfect, it's a bit weak in the beginning, but the last three lines are really breathtaking. I want to keep them forever...

10/4/2008 c1 82Doxology
Oh my Jesus, I have to add this to my favorites. It's absolutely perfect. 'Cause lately I've been havin' this little thing for whales and the ocean.

Oh, and the last line is amazing.


9/30/2008 c1 194Aslan Israel
I would like to be miles below you,

deeper than your mind can comprehend,

and breathing what you cannot breathe.

Those lines are just beautiful... really. And the way you pull everything together in those last two lines is perfect.
9/28/2008 c1 140Chidaruma Kamisori
I love this, it's amazing.
9/28/2008 c1 Isca
"I have resurfaced, just to see your face." AWW! *tear* that's so beautiful! :D

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