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for A Wolf's Duty

1/28/2023 c23 Guest
Please post this as an incomplete story. I have loved reading this fic. My first fic in 11 years! But there's no ending. I'm sorry ur story was plagiarised, but u need to add a note at the start to inform readers it's not a complete story.
3/24/2022 c22 Lilium Mercedes Knight
is this the entirety of this story?
5/24/2019 c23 Imwaiting4myAliceandEdward
I am sad you took the story down, but I understand. I have had to deal with plagiarism as well. I looked at buying your books, but it is a little out of my budget at the moment. Seems like a great series though. Thank you for letting me glimpse into the world you created.
12/13/2017 c23 2mlynch13
Did you give up on this story? It is 2:30am and I have been reading this for two hours.
4/1/2017 c30 Chloe
Hi there! I know you have published for a few years now, but I have just finished reading the part or A Wolf's Duty that is shown on fictionpress. And I LOVE IT! Please can you repost the rest of it again? Please! I cannot but it on Amazon yet since I'm still a child. Please!
10/24/2016 c3 guest
y'all... there were a few concepts i liked about the story. that there's a wolf prince, and he's looking for his mate, and that his mate is actually a person of color. but... you need to work on your grammar. also the whole, "mean girls" and tobias actually saying "i'll call you xandria because i'm not like everyone else" feels so cliche to me. especially since that was just their FIRST meeting. i feel like if i continue to read from here, i already know what's going to happen. plus, telling by your last few reviews you had removed the ending? so i'll probably just ditch the story from here. good concept, but needs a lot of polishing. especially if you're gonna publish it.
6/26/2016 c23 Guest
Absolutely horrible of you to not warn readers that you've deleted the ending. Yes, punish all for the actions of few. Most of us reading this (though I truly can't speak for everyone) would never copy your work. I enjoyed the premise of your story, but there's nothing worse than a writer who is unconcerned for their readers. Certainly no longer looking to purchase your books or read any further.
1/7/2016 c1 mcam4us
I cannot believe that you would allow us to read this story right up to the cliffhanger and then remove the remainder! This was turning out to be such a good story and I think those of us who have been loyal readers should be allowed to finish reading it. This story is incomplete and should be listed as such. I had such high hopes for this series, but since I cannot even finish the first story, I will certainly not continue to read the rest. It's such a shame because I was really enjoying this story. Do what is right and remove this story from the completed works. Because it clearly isn't.
11/28/2015 c30 somersaultkick
The story jumped... but I had fun. I'll just use my imagination ahaha
7/24/2015 c11 Guest
Oh no! What about her stuff?
6/22/2015 c26 Lindsey
Hi,I love your work and I guess it's cruel to have it been plagiarised but please,save people like us the pain of reading and enjoying and ending it abruptly without getting to the end,it's remove the whole story then.
3/28/2015 c22 1PenMasterEm
Hi, I noticed that the story abruptly ends here and then jumps to the first chapter of A Wolf's Oath. Will you ever upload the rest to read? I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and this plot and I hate to be left hanging like this. Honestly, this is probably the best werewolf story I've read on this site. Pretty please upload the rest of the chapters soon!
3/9/2015 c23 Fangirl 43
So sorry to hear of your troubles with plagiarism. However I was very upset to not be able to complete your story and was not notified of it early on. As a writer I would mark this story incomplete or just take it off of the web.
Sincerely ,
2/14/2015 c1 admyersme
Would definitely enjoy seeing a more "polished" version of this story. Keep at it.
12/3/2014 c1 retrospect129
Read it all, including buying it from Amazon, that is how much i enjoyed the first half. I liked your characters. The last half seemed rushed though; not sure why because there wasn't as much in the last half as in the first half if you know what I mean. Thanks for posting but I agree with others you shouldn't post as complete when it isn't.
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