Just In
for The Invisible

7/2/2007 c1 48R. Louise
This is so amazingly beautiful. I can feel every word. It's lovely work; I'm glad you share it.

-R. Louise
5/7/2005 c1 20The Wandering Musician
Wow, this is really good...really REALLY good. It has a great rythm and it was very well worded. Great job! This is going on my favorites list.
4/26/2002 c1 7DarkNightChilde
hey "me" next time you review, have the GUTS to leave an e-mail. your review, "this sucked ass" shows how moronic you actually are, and you must be either a 5 year old, or someone with a 5 year old's mentality to leave a review to a poem that people actually liked. Perhaps you were having a bad day, but that doesn't matter. You do NOT take your frustrations and bad moods out on innocent writers. Get a brain kid, and grow up.
12/1/2001 c1 4trying-for-optimism
wow...the last line is really poignant.
7/4/2001 c1 Firewings
A good parable of our times. I like it. :o)
6/21/2001 c1 Ella Afleck
That's really good, you're great at poetry! You know, I have a sequele to "Prision in Disguise" up if you want to read it, FYI. Good job!
4/19/2001 c1 Anonymous
Very cool, I love it. It has got a good rhythm going for it. :-)

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