7/5/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hello! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
Hello! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
1/12/2022 c13 anna Marry
halo author, i am so interested in your work, i am an editor for a fast growing platform, i would love to offer you something related to your work, may i know how to reach you professionally?
halo author, i am so interested in your work, i am an editor for a fast growing platform, i would love to offer you something related to your work, may i know how to reach you professionally?
10/8/2016 c12 Guest
great story!
great story!
12/8/2014 c11 NaoEarthGoddess
So... she gets into so much shit huh? AWESOME! Please continue soon! Loving this story ;)
So... she gets into so much shit huh? AWESOME! Please continue soon! Loving this story ;)
7/20/2013 c10 Kami91
Write more please. I'm in love with your characters and love the adventures they have been on so far. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Write more please. I'm in love with your characters and love the adventures they have been on so far. Can't wait for the next chapter.
12/25/2010 c10 Northfacegr95
that fortune teller is creepy fo sho. Cereous seems to not like her
that fortune teller is creepy fo sho. Cereous seems to not like her
10/2/2010 c10 TabbzRockZ
I love this story so far... i can't wait to read the rest. I am so interested in finding out what is wrong with Cereous. Please update as soon as possible!
I love this story so far... i can't wait to read the rest. I am so interested in finding out what is wrong with Cereous. Please update as soon as possible!
9/28/2010 c10 missxsunshine
please update!
please update!
9/4/2010 c10
Fun~~ I really hope this leeching thing doesn't last long! I can't wait to see more romantic developments~~ :)
I have been waiting for this chapter a long time, and now that school is starting and you've hid a roadblock I guess I should find more ways to get my literary fix.
I'll be waiting.

Fun~~ I really hope this leeching thing doesn't last long! I can't wait to see more romantic developments~~ :)
I have been waiting for this chapter a long time, and now that school is starting and you've hid a roadblock I guess I should find more ways to get my literary fix.
I'll be waiting.