Just In
for Storm At Sea

7/5/2022 c1 knockmeoffmyfeet
Hello! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
1/12/2022 c13 anna Marry
halo author, i am so interested in your work, i am an editor for a fast growing platform, i would love to offer you something related to your work, may i know how to reach you professionally?
10/8/2016 c12 Guest
great story!
12/8/2014 c11 NaoEarthGoddess
So... she gets into so much shit huh? AWESOME! Please continue soon! Loving this story ;)

8/14/2014 c11 3Megsi
Great chapter! Glad you updated
2/15/2014 c10 William Kayspear
Lord write more! I can't sleep not knowing what happens next!
2/15/2014 c8 William Kayspear
Oh gosh! He kissed her!
7/20/2013 c10 Kami91
Write more please. I'm in love with your characters and love the adventures they have been on so far. Can't wait for the next chapter.
12/25/2010 c10 Northfacegr95

that fortune teller is creepy fo sho. Cereous seems to not like her
12/25/2010 c8 Northfacegr95
12/25/2010 c5 Northfacegr95

Poor Wilbur i miss him already
10/2/2010 c10 TabbzRockZ
I love this story so far... i can't wait to read the rest. I am so interested in finding out what is wrong with Cereous. Please update as soon as possible!
9/28/2010 c10 missxsunshine
please update!
9/5/2010 c10 1violet-eyez
can't wait for the next chapter
9/4/2010 c10 4Duralumin
Fun~~ I really hope this leeching thing doesn't last long! I can't wait to see more romantic developments~~ :)

I have been waiting for this chapter a long time, and now that school is starting and you've hid a roadblock I guess I should find more ways to get my literary fix.

I'll be waiting.
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