Just In
for The Party

3/5/2014 c2 sunshine372008
8/23/2013 c2 Artly
A sweet happy ending. Nice job
4/7/2011 c2 shushumomo
Wonderful story, thank you for sharing.
4/7/2011 c1 shushumomo
Excellent build-up, very fluent writing, love it.
2/15/2011 c2 sirozorg
This story is so good! I like it! ^_^
12/2/2010 c2 6XxXMorganXxXLEAHXxX
This was absolutely wonderful! It's almost how I feel, seeing as I have an Unrequited love thing going between my best friend and sadly, she's straight. Oh, well, that's how life is.

I hope you write more stories!

11/2/2010 c2 4Mrs Dalloway's flowers
Aw! Oh my gosh this was wonderful :) You described their first time so perfectly. And I absolutely love Mia's last line, that really made me smile big. Huge. Love this!
11/2/2010 c1 Mrs Dalloway's flowers
Oh my goodness this is wonderful. I love it. Your writing is so fluid; it's not too dragged down it detail, but it's not too sparse, either. We can get right into the characters' heads and you write so beautifully, in a respectful way.

Loved the thing with Joyce...that would be an awkward situation! I cringed to read her reactions to that.
4/15/2009 c2 170.0 NightRiders 0.0

Simply beautiful, indulging short and sweet..


I love it =] Excellent piece, simply fantastic.


3/17/2009 c2 2With a Side of Chocolate
OMG! That was probably the most heartfelt story I've ever read! Loved it. =D I actually shed a few tears reading this.
3/1/2009 c2 YinYangTwin1
Bravo. I don't think I can say much more
2/14/2009 c2 4ColdCoffeeEyes25
Aw. I'm such a sucker for a happy ending, and you set the fluff up perfectly - not too sweet, just sweet enough. I really liked your protagonist and her conflicted interests, and moving from the will-she-or-won't-she moment at the end of the first chapter to the wedding photo at the beginning of the second is a great touch. Thanks for posting this!
2/13/2009 c2 Omok
wow. XDD I can't believe I didn't read this story sooner! This is amazing! :D so sweet, so cute! so great! so wonderful! so EVERYTHING! Breath taking too =O I couldn't take my smile off my face while reading the last part of the 2nd chapter. XD Woot!

Thanks for the story. XD :D I hope there are more works by you to read...*stalks you to your profile*
12/30/2008 c2 3poo-anonymous
That was amazingly sweet.
11/6/2008 c2 44sneekie
If that is the end, it's perfect. A brilliant story and I have to admit (which i think is a first) the best story I have read. It was tender, it had all the emotions I would like to be able to write but don't have the touch like you. Brilliant brilliant am severely jealous of you but I admire you too. Well done. Nice touch with the child in the end, perfect ending... why can't all lives be that way 'sigh'
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