Just In
for Gather (Version 1)

5/6/2018 c1 Chika
I reaaaallly wanna read this. You're off to a great start. Please update. This seems like a very promising story but I'm really not into Uncompletes stories because its unbelievably frustrating when authors go on hiatus. Like GAAAH makes me wanna pull my hair out. Have you posted the complete story anywhere?
3/20/2013 c25 TeamComrade11
Why is the name of this story Gather?
3/20/2013 c26 TeamComrade11
Great story! Sequel? ):
2/10/2013 c26 19Alaeryel
I loved the story immensely altho I felt like the ending was alittle to abrupt but not bad. I definitely see where you could make more of this in a sequel if you wanted but it was a very interesting one. It also was written very well yet some minor misspellings and wrong words used and a minute amount of tense errors but all in all you have a great story here!
2/9/2013 c5 Alaeryel
So that is how she became a werewolf. I also have a feeling there is something up with Mr. Nolan but I will have to wait and see.
2/9/2013 c4 Alaeryel
I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter Keelin!
2/9/2013 c3 Alaeryel
Oh this chapter was absolute perfection Keelin-this had me chuckling and smirking clear to the end-especially-'I gotta go catch something' damn brilliant!
2/9/2013 c2 Alaeryel
Ok Kristen is a werewolf and apparently something has happened in her past-I got that. But what I am trying to figure out is this-are her parents one too? Or is that something that has happened in her past-she was bitten or something that turned her into one? Very good story here Keelin.
2/9/2013 c1 Alaeryel
I really enjoyed this chapter altho one thing is already for sure-I DO NOT LIKE Channing!
7/28/2012 c26 dreeming
Oh gosh, I am so hooked to this.
7/11/2012 c26 MEE
This is an awesome story! I hope you make a sequel if there isn't already one. I love how sweet Avery and Kristen are and everything is just on suspense and even cute at times! This is seriously one of the BEST stories I've read on here. No offense other authors, but usually supernatural isn't my type but this story was just AWESOME! Epic, and every other amazing word could be used to describe this story!

Great work!
11/20/2011 c26 The Imagination Addict
i like the ending :) i can see them freezing mid-run, like a tableau. movie-style.

i have to say though, the whole story seems slightly disjointed. i feel like you dont have a consistent theme. you seem to keep jumping from issue to issue. avery also seems a little inconsistent, like his behaviour changed depending on your mood when you wrote. sometimes he's this playful boy, and other times he seems like he's supposed to be an older werewolf and is secretive and mysterious. maybe you're trying to show that he's both, but it just seems like two different people.

but anyway, ive enjoyed this nonetheless. will there be a sequel? it seems like you're hinting at one since nolan hasnt been caught.
11/20/2011 c22 The Imagination Addict
heeheehee im really loving this book. it's really addictive. the language is not bad. it's not spectacular, but it's good. :) the plot is gripping and... i cant stop reading! xD
11/19/2011 c3 The Imagination Addict
ooh avery's interesting. she runs, he catches...
7/9/2011 c26 1Creatures
Loved the story :D it was pretty awesome!
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