Just In
for The Way Things Were

11/2/2008 c1 4xlovextimesx
Yay, sequel! :D

Great chapter!
11/2/2008 c2 4Priscilla Shay
Kool, can't wait to meet Nick :)

..I was like...omg..he did not! When Evan mentioned his offer to Jenny in front of Mandie.

And I think I forgot to mention it before..but yay! 2 yrs later and Kaitlin and Trent are still together!

Btw...would Mandie get her own story? I feel she's a little underdeveloped..maybe thats the wrong word? She's there, but kinda left out. Lol, I know you just started Evan's story and have to finish SSTS, but I was just wondering? lol

Loved it. She's starting to admit she likes him and I can tell Evan likes her.

Update soon :) *patiently (sort of) waiting*

11/2/2008 c2 1Hateful Loving
ah that wass so goodd! lmao i cant believe she went to school in pj pants and evans shirt! i wonder whats gonna happen next so please please update it again today!

lmao its good right now with evan being a jerk, but i do hope he getss better sometime like u said he would! anyways amazing job once again!\

HaTeFuL LoViNg
11/2/2008 c1 2Love.Hug.Kiss
I love this i want more more more
11/2/2008 c1 4Priscilla Shay
Just thought I should mention...I love your titles. :)

And yeh...is Even/Nick going to be like Trent/Chris but instead of Nick sleeping with everyone...its Evan? But...Chris only slept with a couple of girls...is Evan worse?

Love it :) Keep writing *adds to alerts*

11/2/2008 c1 1Hateful Loving
AH that was so cute! i know evan is like such an ass but he sounds like a hottie! lol youknow if he wasnt such a jerk!

lmaoo anyways really good job so far and cant wait to read soo much more so please update soon!

HaTeFuL LoViNg
11/2/2008 c1 14jenjen-0
Sounds good! Can't wait to read more.
11/2/2008 c1 Hazelnut Romance
update soon! i'm really glad that you decided to go on with a sequel. i really like trent's story. will the characters in Changes and Some Stay the Same be mentioned regularly in this story? and also, when and how many more chapters to go for Some Stay the Same? that's my favourite story and i really want to it to be completed even though it'll be sad to see no more updates for it. =(
11/1/2008 c1 monkyy109
aww Evan and Jenny? how cute
11/1/2008 c1 3Big Boots Man Of War
Fantastic start! Love it!

It's funny that you set this 2 years after kaitlin's story. because I may have skimmed past that and then when it said evan was like 17-18, i'm like what? he's 15-16!

but now i get it! so now worries.

I really am disppointed in his girl habits. he hates them but he screws them? (ok sorry sorry that sounded vulgar but oh well)

anyway, more would be like very very good!
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