Just In
for When breathing isn't enough

9/18/2016 c14 Shiina
I'm so sick and tired of rape in slash fiction! I think in the past month I haven't read a single slash story that didn't involve rape.
And honestly what kind of idior is Chase?! If he didn't think this would happen if he did what Sam say then he's completely stupid. He just had to call the goddam police! It's their job, jeez, they wouldn't have come in gun blazing, they would have been stealthy and nothing like this would have happened. Idiot!
10/7/2013 c15 EPuppy
I did spend over 1359 years for a story like this:3 Sequel? . aww
10/7/2013 c14 EPuppy
How do you do everything so angstyyy
10/7/2013 c13 EPuppy
Im angsty my presures over 30086!
10/7/2013 c12 EPuppy
Omg omg omg OMG! Ohmygoshhh omygoud!
10/7/2013 c11 EPuppy
Fofodofo i cried with this chappy :') aw
10/7/2013 c10 EPuppy
Too good ! Luv this FIC!
10/7/2013 c9 EPuppy
I love that Chase is honets and not a freakin liar like people writte their main character:) its hard to find those(: gosh sam leave them alone! You can have me aas long as you leave em alone:$ :3 not kiddin i hve a crush on him :3 jk
10/7/2013 c8 EPuppy
Im in so much love with this I adore it!
10/7/2013 c7 EPuppy
Perfect perfect perfect is what this fic is! You freakin captivate me with the summary :3
10/7/2013 c6 EPuppy
I support CrystalxChase SamxRiley! LoL jk. I just love riley i want a man like that :$
10/7/2013 c5 EPuppy
Whyyy whyyy all the chaps are sooo cliffhangyyy! I hatelove it :3
10/7/2013 c4 EPuppy
Chapters are gettin better ! I though that was impossible! Perfect fic ever:3. This reminds me of a teacher of mine awww
10/7/2013 c3 EPuppy
This is tooo amazing! Fuck you Sam!
10/7/2013 c2 EPuppy
I guessed right! This is already my fav! Its so unique i really love it!
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