7/5/2016 c27 Iamawitch
(Thumbs up)
P.S. Wish there were emoticons here so I could show you my expression
(Sorry I already posted this review anonymously before realising I was not logged in. )
(Thumbs up)
P.S. Wish there were emoticons here so I could show you my expression
(Sorry I already posted this review anonymously before realising I was not logged in. )
7/5/2016 c27 Guest
(Thumbs up)
P.S. Wish there were emoticons here so I could show you my expression
(Thumbs up)
P.S. Wish there were emoticons here so I could show you my expression
5/26/2016 c28 7mesweetescape
Bloody amazing story, amazing writing and amazing characterisation. Everyone is so flawed and so beautiful.
I honestly began the story loving Matt and I got so confused by the end and strangely enough I loved it!
Thanks so much for writing such an amazing story and sharing it with us.
Keep writing!
Bloody amazing story, amazing writing and amazing characterisation. Everyone is so flawed and so beautiful.
I honestly began the story loving Matt and I got so confused by the end and strangely enough I loved it!
Thanks so much for writing such an amazing story and sharing it with us.
Keep writing!
5/22/2016 c27 mgaa
i love it...a beautiful mistake and a fairy tail ending..i'm swooning..well inner me is...thank you for sharing
i love it...a beautiful mistake and a fairy tail ending..i'm swooning..well inner me is...thank you for sharing
2/27/2016 c27 slcjnk2008
You wrote a wonderful ending for Julie and Aaron. I have enjoyed being a part of their world for a little while and it is because you are an awesome writer with the ability to draw in your readers. And as a side note this is the second of your stories that I have read and could not help but notice that the things you write about have brought about a social dialog on difficult issues such as rape and right to choose. Good for you and thanks for being such a gifted writer and sharing your stories with us.
You wrote a wonderful ending for Julie and Aaron. I have enjoyed being a part of their world for a little while and it is because you are an awesome writer with the ability to draw in your readers. And as a side note this is the second of your stories that I have read and could not help but notice that the things you write about have brought about a social dialog on difficult issues such as rape and right to choose. Good for you and thanks for being such a gifted writer and sharing your stories with us.
2/27/2016 c21 slcjnk2008
I love the way you have written Julie's and Aaron's progression. Looking forward to seeing how you write their budding relationship. And Aaron is such a great guy, I just love him.
I love the way you have written Julie's and Aaron's progression. Looking forward to seeing how you write their budding relationship. And Aaron is such a great guy, I just love him.
2/26/2016 c7 slcjnk2008
This story is so great. You have captured life at its messiest. Poor Julie she just keeps getting slapped down again: but she has the tenacity to pick herself backup, dust herself off and go forward with the life she is trying to create for herself. Good for her.
This story is so great. You have captured life at its messiest. Poor Julie she just keeps getting slapped down again: but she has the tenacity to pick herself backup, dust herself off and go forward with the life she is trying to create for herself. Good for her.
2/26/2016 c1 slcjnk2008
This looks like it will be very interesting. I'm hooked. Let's see what Julie will do now.
This looks like it will be very interesting. I'm hooked. Let's see what Julie will do now.
10/13/2015 c27 Du
Here I am. ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! Thaaat's what this story is. I really have loved it from the very beginning. I don't know what it was exactly, but I could tell in the very first chapters that the Matt thing was too nice and ideal and I just knew you weren't going to stick with the cliché. GAH I love it! Seriously, I am so deeply in love with Aaron right now. I loved seeing how Julie grew up with the story. I loved how you resolved the Leigh thing. However, shipping Matt off to NY seemed a bit too much... Buuut, that said, I really really enjoyed it! I'll read it again FOR SURE. That epilogue ending was so utterly fluffy and mushy and and and I thought I'd get diabetes just from reading it... seriously, I'm not (I swear) corny and I've always hated corny and fairytale type stories. But this story is just so perfect! I kept reading author's notes saying how you loved feedback with constructive criticism and such... Well I'm sorry, but I've got none of that. Just lots of love for such a cute little story. Thank you for making me so happy and turning me (temporarily I hope) into a smitten, swooning girl. Anyway. Sorry for the rambling. Heh. I loved it. Yes yes yes.
Here I am. ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! Thaaat's what this story is. I really have loved it from the very beginning. I don't know what it was exactly, but I could tell in the very first chapters that the Matt thing was too nice and ideal and I just knew you weren't going to stick with the cliché. GAH I love it! Seriously, I am so deeply in love with Aaron right now. I loved seeing how Julie grew up with the story. I loved how you resolved the Leigh thing. However, shipping Matt off to NY seemed a bit too much... Buuut, that said, I really really enjoyed it! I'll read it again FOR SURE. That epilogue ending was so utterly fluffy and mushy and and and I thought I'd get diabetes just from reading it... seriously, I'm not (I swear) corny and I've always hated corny and fairytale type stories. But this story is just so perfect! I kept reading author's notes saying how you loved feedback with constructive criticism and such... Well I'm sorry, but I've got none of that. Just lots of love for such a cute little story. Thank you for making me so happy and turning me (temporarily I hope) into a smitten, swooning girl. Anyway. Sorry for the rambling. Heh. I loved it. Yes yes yes.
10/12/2015 c15 Du
I normally only review stories I really really like and I only do so when I get to the last chapter (providing the fic is completed), but I just HAD to say: YESSSS, I knew Matt was the boss! Especially after reading your author's note where you said no-one had picked up on 'something'... I thought I was being paranoid, but NO, there it is! Matt! The boss!
Anyway, back to reading the story. I'm sure I'll get around to reviewing the whole story as soon as I'm done with it. Right now, I'm loving it. No major criticism, just lots of love. Yep.
I normally only review stories I really really like and I only do so when I get to the last chapter (providing the fic is completed), but I just HAD to say: YESSSS, I knew Matt was the boss! Especially after reading your author's note where you said no-one had picked up on 'something'... I thought I was being paranoid, but NO, there it is! Matt! The boss!
Anyway, back to reading the story. I'm sure I'll get around to reviewing the whole story as soon as I'm done with it. Right now, I'm loving it. No major criticism, just lots of love. Yep.
3/12/2015 c1 MiranDuranDa
I hope you're ok with con-crit, because I definitely don't mean this as a flame (just a suggestion for improvement), but have you thought about doing this chapter so that it is less chronological? I think that as an author, it's easy to want people to jump in to a story knowing everything about the character's past, but sometimes that can cause the first chapter to drag. I'd suggest starting with a scene that has movement/action and then filtering in Julie's past on a need to know basis as the chapter (or even story) progresses.
I was at an authors' convention once where a man beautifully described the area he had evolved the most from the time he first started writing. He said that as he acquired more experience with developing characters, he learned to play time like an accordion; he could stretch an instant out into a page or he could compress a childhood into a offhand comment. I would suggest thinking about that with respect to this chapter. Do we need the play-by-play of her love life foibles right off the bat? Will something be lost if it starts with the scene with the girl in the little red dress and we instead learn that she regrets moving for her unfaithful boyfriend when she goes home that day to find one of the many other girls "hanging out" there or him flirting with the girl down the hall or texting other girls and ignoring her? I almost think that meeting her at the same time as (and having the same first impression of her as) the hero would be poetic.
Anyways, just a suggestion.
I hope you're ok with con-crit, because I definitely don't mean this as a flame (just a suggestion for improvement), but have you thought about doing this chapter so that it is less chronological? I think that as an author, it's easy to want people to jump in to a story knowing everything about the character's past, but sometimes that can cause the first chapter to drag. I'd suggest starting with a scene that has movement/action and then filtering in Julie's past on a need to know basis as the chapter (or even story) progresses.
I was at an authors' convention once where a man beautifully described the area he had evolved the most from the time he first started writing. He said that as he acquired more experience with developing characters, he learned to play time like an accordion; he could stretch an instant out into a page or he could compress a childhood into a offhand comment. I would suggest thinking about that with respect to this chapter. Do we need the play-by-play of her love life foibles right off the bat? Will something be lost if it starts with the scene with the girl in the little red dress and we instead learn that she regrets moving for her unfaithful boyfriend when she goes home that day to find one of the many other girls "hanging out" there or him flirting with the girl down the hall or texting other girls and ignoring her? I almost think that meeting her at the same time as (and having the same first impression of her as) the hero would be poetic.
Anyways, just a suggestion.
2/3/2015 c9 25435345gb
Aaron's doing the nicest thing that anybody could do for you Julie. Telling you the truth. Snapping you into reality. Cause sometimes you can be a really dumb broad.
Aaron's doing the nicest thing that anybody could do for you Julie. Telling you the truth. Snapping you into reality. Cause sometimes you can be a really dumb broad.
12/1/2014 c1 Guest
interesting beginning and yay reppin' chicago! there's always something to do there
interesting beginning and yay reppin' chicago! there's always something to do there
11/14/2014 c11 4YouWantMyUsername
He's glad she said that to Matt? I wonder why. (Is imagining that Matt tried to forced other girls into abortion. Grrr.)
He's glad she said that to Matt? I wonder why. (Is imagining that Matt tried to forced other girls into abortion. Grrr.)