Just In
for Demon Warriors

11/22/2008 c1 4predict.this
Interesting! I'll be waiting for more!
11/6/2008 c1 11Sybet Labach
i really liked this even though, let's face it, it's exactly like every other fantasy story out there in basic plot. But it's okay, we all do it. Pretty much all of my stories are the same. It sounds a lot like 'Twlight' too, the whole Cade dissapearing from school and Jenny wondering if it was her fault. The one thing to check on is that you swich tenses kinda randomly in places. All in all, i liked it. I'd read it. Write more.

Sybet Labach
11/6/2008 c1 reasonablyinsane

I just ran across your story, ITs pretty good. I cant wait for the next one. It seems like its going to be very interesting. I cant really think of anything negitive to say. Well, Ill keep up with what you write, I'll go check out what else ya got.

Later Mah Cheerio!


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