Just In
for Choosing Love

7/22/2019 c38 Guest
What an amazing, touching story. It's great to read a story that is well written and wholesome at the same time. I love reading about Gemma and her children. Hope to see the conclusion to this beautiful story. Please get this published!
6/24/2016 c37 Chris594
Please update is a really great story.
6/21/2016 c3 Chris594
Great story.
3/19/2015 c36 1leavesfallingup
I just found this story and read it from beginning to now with great interest... unfortunately I was so absorbed that I forgot to review. Please forgive this oversight? Truthfully, your story deserved a chapter-by-chapter review.

Your characters are endearing and authentic. Your storyline is entirely plausible. And your plot development flows naturally. I sincerely hope that you will pick up this story soon.

One slight confusion (which may be entirely my fault): What is the timeframe? I thought it was in the Great Depression, but in an earlier chapter she was reminiscing about her deceased husband when he returned from WWI... which was 11 years prior to the 1929 crash. Did I miss something?
1/5/2015 c33 51Brievel
Ruby's a hoot. xD
1/5/2015 c28 Brievel
Dissected rainbows. I am never calling them jellybeans again and kittens just became fluffy dissected rainbows. xD If this story weren't so excellent in every aspect I'd feel compelled to write a fanfiction...as it is, I shall content myself with reading it obsessively.
1/5/2015 c24 Brievel
Yep. Addie just made it onto my "All-Time Favorite Characters" List.
1/5/2015 c22 Brievel
Um, Connor...? You might want to take a minute here and think...
1/5/2015 c21 Brievel
I have a tendency to become more involved with the supporting characters than the main ones, and I *really* love Addie.
1/5/2015 c17 Brievel
Yep. They need to be together.

I will now try and force myself to leave this story and go do my work...I don't want a repeat of last month...
1/5/2015 c13 Brievel
I am very determined to see those two...er, four...together.
1/5/2015 c12 Brievel
1/5/2015 c11 Brievel
Yep. I'm in love with Connor Hamrick.
1/5/2015 c9 Brievel
Well, at least now she knows what he is.
1/5/2015 c7 Brievel
I can now add Connor to my ever-growing list of Wanted Men...
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