Just In
for Of Apples and Trees

1/22/2010 c23 ghurl00
Aw.. Natalie is such a sweet kid!=) And RJ, swet guy!=) I enjoyed reading the story!=)
1/13/2010 c23 1MintCcIceCream
Aww! Such a sweet story! I really loved it! I loved the closeness of RJ and all of his friends and family! It was so cute! I wish I had a relationship with all of those people like that! Oh, and this was an R name story! Also, I just wanted to say that I love how strong Cassidy is, but yet she still wants that rock to always be able to rely on, aka RJ! So anyway, good luck writing and with life and everything! LOVE THE STORY!


MintCcIceCream ♥
12/30/2009 c23 20groundhog591
Aw! This story was just so sweet! I started it and read it through completely. I love it! And your writing style is amazing. I really love this story and you did an amazing job with it. Keep on writing! :D
11/13/2009 c6 96Silly Little Storywriter
Aw, that was so sweet.

I'm getting a little teary there. Then again I am quite emotional at the mo.

There's nothing cuter than a good dad.
10/30/2009 c22 1Jinxed Rogue
P.S. I think you should give Parker a story or something. Poor fellow has been quite neglected all series!
10/28/2009 c23 Jinxed Rogue
I'm a sucker for happy endings. I have to say the whole Elise thing was coming for a long way, and you're right, it did unravel a little too quickly. I think you could have fleshed it out a bit more. You're very good with your main characters, but your secondary characters and subplots often seem incomplete and then you rush to finish them before the story is up.

Best of luck with your publications! What I've read from you so far, I've really enjoyed. Your characters are really genuine and you can't help but love them. And like I said it before, I really like a writer who lets the girl play like one of the boys, just as tough. Thanks for trying something different.

Are there any other stories in this series that will come up in the future?
10/28/2009 c2 Jinxed Rogue
Okay, so the end of Chapter 1 gave it away that he was going to find out he had a secret kid somewhere, but I totally didn't see this coming. Very different from the usual path these stories take.
9/15/2009 c8 5itsVKEE
it's sad, he loves Nat but finds it a pain in the arse when she wants things but hates to see her go but loves the fact that he doens't technically have to care for her. oh the joys of a love/hhate relationship. i think he's doing so well. single parent kinda deal. i think it'd be a lot of hard work, but hey we'll all be parents someday huh? great chapter i think i'm crying a bit ==; oops.
8/7/2009 c23 sappyromancelvr
I read this all in one sitting. Thanks for making my day with your wonderful writing! :]

You're amazing!
8/3/2009 c23 animegirl214
aw! its so darn cute! all ur storys should be published or something because it is AWESOME, BRILLIANT, LOVING, ADORABLE, and better then some published books that i've read. :D :D :D

thanks for the wonderful and great and awesome story! (and all ur other ones too!)
7/21/2009 c16 Summer Leah
I actually really liked this chapter, even though there wasn't much action. But hey, that's what fluff is.
7/21/2009 c11 Summer Leah
Just fyi-in this chapter you wrote Hannah Montana instead of Halee Marie. It's a little confusing.
7/21/2009 c6 Summer Leah
Aw, that chapter was so cute and warm and fuzzy! Yeah, I kinda feel like you did rush things, but it still worked. And since Nat is so young, it does make sense that she'd adjust quickly.
7/16/2009 c1 7WindLessNiteZ
hey actually i had read all the story that is related to phone call from a rockstar ,but that time i did not have an account so i dint drop a review so now might be a little to late but still i hope is not too late to say that you are an amazing writer and i hope i can read more story that you write .^^

-best wish from me
7/6/2009 c23 Blue-Eyed Chica
LOVE IT! aww so cute!
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