Just In
for The Patient

10/17/2010 c4 5RokitToMars
Oh wow, I thought this story had just up and died. (Namely because I have a tendency to do that...)

But I'm so glad it still exists!

It's just so intriguing, and it shows how interesting it is when I remember it and don't even have to go back and read what already happened and go 'Why did I alert this again?'

Four chapters and I'm hooked. (And a bit confused, but I'm thinking that's some of your aim.)

Erm, yes, I'm going to stop rambling now.

But, still, super glad!
11/26/2008 c2 9DeceptionIsMySpecialty
I actually really like this. It makes me want to read more. I want to know what the deal is with her. So hurry and update please! :)



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