Just In
for Twisted Life

7/17/2011 c15 witeaya
this is the second time i read the story and i love it very much!

love the plot. and the main characters. they were sweet.
7/6/2011 c1 5breatheyou7
oh shit, indeed!

Ah I loved the first chapter. The plot seems quite interesting, and I like the twist you added to Travis's character! It makes me way more eager to continue reading.
6/26/2011 c1 reindrops
Okay, I'm starting to like it already, which is a bad thing since it's almost midnight here and I have to go to school early tomorrow. Lol. Anyways, gonna proceed to the next chapter.
6/15/2011 c16 deletedaccount36912
I loved this. So. So. So. MUCH. I wish there could be more...like Veronica and Travis getting married, maybe...? Okay, I might be getting ahead of myself here, but hey. It would be awesome to read. You know, little Travis and Ronnie jr.s? Haha :) I really loved it. I'm gonna add it to my favorites now, m'kay? Amazing job.
5/28/2011 c16 xXSoundlessMusicXx
I really like this story, and am glad that you put this answer in. I was quite confused my self, actually. This plot is great about the whole love-rectangle...

I didn't actually see any huge mistakes, so good job!

- xXSoundlessMusicXx
4/26/2011 c16 17Ashley4287
that was a really good story (once again... :P ) i think i'll go check out some of your other writing... after i'm done studying (nope, unlike "ronnie" i have no guy to distract me ;P ) expect my reviews and great job once again :D
3/1/2011 c16 564ShatteredButterflys
This was a really good story
3/1/2011 c14 4Garneau

I love your story. Travis is a really interesting and completely different character and I love how manipulative and controlling Kyle and Victoria are.

In this chapter though, when Veronica says that it was disgusting to see Kyle trailing after her sister, I reckon she was being a bit hypocritical with her long-lasting crush on Kyle himself. Though I probably misinterpreted that, rather Veronica was disgusted with herself for liking Kyle for so long.

Oh well she ended up with the right boy in the end. By the way no wonder Victoria is a bitch, when Her mother treats Ronnie really badly. That's where she inherited it from!

Anyway loved your work,

1/4/2011 c14 shortieecakee
Officially my new favourite story on FP!
1/4/2011 c11 shortieecakee
Who's Emma? wasn't her friends name Ella?
12/13/2010 c15 3AJS
Cute cute. What an elaborate plan that Travis came up with, and it's funny that each plan was always the same strategy just with different people and from different angles.

I thought Travis and Kyle used to be best friends. I suppose that's kind of sad that their friendship just died like that, but then again could they have really been that much of friends if it broke that easily anyway?

Anyway, cute story.

- Alyssa
10/13/2010 c16 far
Aww! Cute!

I haven't read one of those "easy to read", but well written, stories in aages! So this was refreshing and very sweet!

Love this story!
10/3/2010 c16 16mizgardenia21
That was an interesting story. I liked it...I did see some spelling errors (like when Travis says "But the way"...I assume you meant "By the way") but they didn't really detract from the storyline.
9/10/2010 c15 tell it to the sky
this is like the 3rd time I've read this and i still love it.

i think that you should write a story about Victoria

i would defo read it!
8/2/2010 c16 Mandyg
i absolutely enjoyed this story.
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