Just In
for Twisted Life

11/12/2008 c1 1Padalock
whoa whoa whoa, what are you doing? I'm still waiting for the next chapter of Spirits! as great as this new story sounds, now I'm gonna have more delays on Spirits and The Way Things Were, and we just got Changes and Some Stay The Same done. I have to give you credit though, you do write alot, and update quick, so i guess it shouldn't be too bad...but I better see a new Spirits chapter soon!
11/12/2008 c1 CallMeAlice
I love it. Keep writing.
11/12/2008 c1 2Elle for Love to Write
OHH Vicky is such a B-I-T-C-H!

i already hate her lol

really god story once again seriously.

cant wait for the next chapter! :D
11/12/2008 c1 TheImpossibleGirl93
I love it already. Please update ASAP!

~ Malice
11/12/2008 c1 Hazelnut Romance
OMG! veronica is in depp sh**. her sister is going to personally kill her. vicky is a total class A bit**. kinda ironic how she is veronica's sister. is it just me, or does travis not like vicky, but veronica instead? UPDATE SOON!
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