Just In
for When I Stayed Silent

9/23/2012 c1 20physics223
I was the same with falling in love. It didn't bode well for me, but it left me with no questions and that is much better than pondering, pervasive regret that lasts a lifetime.
9/22/2012 c1 8Tauria
This was very sad, but yet a very beautiful piece. I feel that I can relate to parts of this. It is a terrible thing, shyness. To stay silent when you want to speak.

When asked the question 'would you rather say something, and then regret it, or say nothing at all, and regret it.' (or something to that affect) I would answer I would rather say something and regret it, then wish I had said something that I never did. (that made sense, right?)

Lovely, thought-provoking story :)
8/23/2012 c1 3Mr. Raleigh D
Oh my god. I was in tears of what happened in the end. It was very sad, but also happy that it was resolved of how the next time when an opportunity comes, she will not hesitate to greet. Powerful stuff. I can feel my heart sinking just after reading it. Great story! :)
7/18/2012 c1 2Irony'sFriend
Wow, that was one of the most powerful things I've ever read. It was sad, but it makes me want to reach out to someone in need. You know you're a good writer when you can provoke that reaction in a reader.

I can actually somewhat understand. There's a girl at school that I easily consider a friend. We talk, laugh, and hang out when we happen to run into each other. She gives me information when I need it, and I return the favor. She attempted suicide a few months ago. I suppose things weren't as simple as I believed. I keep thinking I should have known, but I was blind.

I guess all we can do is learn from our mistakes and try to do better.
7/4/2012 c1 1I caught myself
I really like your writing style. Keep up the good work. I want to see more stories hopefully.
6/21/2012 c1 7caapt.donavin
I know what you mean. i mean i've never... had the chance taken away from me like that. but i feel the... need to say hi all the time. just a simple word can change a person. i gues that i've just been waiting for some one to do it to me. and i liked the way you discribed the shyness as ropes holding you back.

6/18/2012 c1 2thisnameisnowtaken
So sad... I feel sorry for him and for you, it's a great story to tell, so that people learn this without making the mistake themselves :)
6/18/2012 c1 MushieGirl
Oh wow, what an incredible moment in time that was and thank you for sharing that. How often has this kind of thing happened-maybe not the same situation but the same idea of not speaking up when we have a chance, whether out of fear, doubt or hesitation.

Thank you for sharing :)
6/15/2012 c1 226Beth Brooks
wow, i had goose bumps, because you weren't just telling a story here your sending us all a message, and thats somthing every one of us did in high school i'm willing to bet, is over look the shy lonley kid, telling ourselves tomorrow we will go talk to them. If we cared at all. I love that you braught that up! I love how you expressed it! being that shy lonel kid that people over looked, i say thank you!
6/13/2012 c1 19bookppl93
This has really inspired me. I mean, everyone hates each other. They only really think of themselves, how they can improve, it's never done without a favor in return... This sort of gave me a little hope. So, thank you.
6/13/2012 c1 3DarkAngelGal
Beutiful! I love it! It speaks the truth about the world! About how there are the ppl that never speak and are loners while other ppl either don't care or are too afraid to speak! I'm actually like the boy your describing...and I too, are often swallowing my words. I wish i was brave enough to speak to strangers. Love this!
11/28/2010 c1 6brit02
Regret is a horrible feeling, especially when you think that just by saying "Hello" to someone may have changed their life for the better...

This was well written :)
2/9/2010 c1 15blonde roots
WOW. This is a great story, very real... I needed that. Something almost exactly like this happened to me... only it was my next-door neighbor. Notice I said "was". I lived next to him for years but never worked up the courage to talk to him. One day he was walking down the road from where the school bus had dropped him off, and at the same time I was walking up our driveway to the mailbox... he kind of glanced at me and I glanced back at him... it was like God had set it up so I could talk to him... but I didn't.

And then a few days later, it was plastered all over the news that this teenager had been messing around with his friends and gotten killed in an car accident... yes, it was my this boy - my neighbor. So this story really touched my heart... I know exactly what you mean. Thanks for posting this!

-Grace E. Lane

ps-sorry for the obnoxiously long review... :)
11/22/2009 c1 24fairies and snapple
I love this. I think everyone has felt this way, at some point, sad as that is, and you really capture the back-and-forth that one feels then. Great job.
8/28/2009 c1 Deleted Account 1533
Sad, Leaves you thinking, Respectfully Spiritual, I liked it. Apparently my Creative Writing teacher said that telling someone "it's good, I liked it" is the worst thing you can ever say. So um...well, I liked how you threw God in there without bombarding it so it is more inspirational less preaching (I'm a Christian personally, but I think by writing it this way you widened the appeal.)

Anyway, that was good (see I didn't use great) I liked it, a lot.
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