Just In
for When I Stayed Silent

7/27/2009 c1 12Imminent Paradox
This is great! I really believe in what you're saying- that just by being there for a person that never had anyone can make a huge change. Reading this sort of affected me, because I'm just like that- I always see people who I feel the need to talk to, because they're always so alone, but I can never seem to find my voice around them. I'd probably hate myself if that happened to them too.

Great job :) This has a great message.
7/22/2009 c1 11SweeneyLovett
Thats very sad but beautiful. I take it he commited suicide because he felt like his life felt meaningless?
5/22/2009 c1 9WinMyHeart5444
Hello! Thank you for reviewing my story. :) It meant so much! And I absolutely adore this. It is amazing and has such a great lesson in it. Is it based on a true story?
1/30/2009 c1 56Luna Turner

I'm so sorry you felt like this.

I know what it feels like to let an opportunity slip up, and then regret not taking it for the rest of your life.

Well written, well expressed.

I could feel your shyness, your sadness, your regret.

And that's the signs of a good author.
1/20/2009 c1 DarkShines2012
This is beautiful.

I can only imagine how that must have felt. But God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps because you were able to live through that experience and grow as a person, and then to share it with the world- someone may learn from your life.

I'm sure that he is happy that you thought of him. Smile...even in little ways that you don't realize you ARE changing this world for the better.

Chin up! :) and keep writing. It soothes the soul.
1/16/2009 c1 25Jessica Shaw
Hey! Sorry it took me a little bit to review this piece. I've just been really busy, you know? But i promised i would review it, so now i am!

And wow! It was REALLY good! It's surprising how such a short piece of work can capture your attention, and draw you in. You have a natural talent!

Very, very, good job! Keep writing! I can't wait to see what else you might come up with!

~ Jessica Shaw ~
12/22/2008 c1 13Tsumujikaze no Soujutsu
Well, that is an interesting piece of work here. :) The moral of this story is pretty much clear right from the start I guess. And yeah, you're right on that. As human beings, we should take advantage of the chances given to us. God doesn't give chances without a reason. We'll never know what will happen tomorrow, so yeah, one should take his own chances when they come. Anyway, thanks for your reviews on Circles of Arven. Hope to see more of them soon! ^^ Bye! :)
12/21/2008 c1 Ariel454
wow...that was...i am speechless...

it seemed a bit repetitive at times but that didn't really diminish it's worth even in the slightest...

i only have one word: amazing.

thank you for posting this
12/10/2008 c1 6LoveMySoul
Is this a true story? Well it really hit home for me. There have been times that I've felt like this, I'm a bit shy and kind of quiet which makes it hard for me to talk to people. Sometimes I feel like I want someone to talk to me too. I don't usually have the confidence to do it myself.
11/19/2008 c1 34SamanthaRodriguez22
Wow. It's deep. I really like it. I completly understand where you're coming from and I like the way you've written it and the descriptions you've used.
11/18/2008 c1 styling16
wow nice i love it *sob* *sob*
11/17/2008 c1 13Menginpeh
Sobering, but needed. I thought you did a great job of getting across a very important message. I loved the last line. :)
11/16/2008 c1 64PotoPerson
Very good message! Its good to get these out for the world to view!

Keep on Writing!;D
11/15/2008 c1 12SingLikeNo1IsListening
yeah, i know just how that is. God has given us opportunities to share our love, and so many times we get to caught up in ourselves to think about sharing. this was very good. im proud of you, cause i know that from now on, you will be a friend to those who need it. :)


11/15/2008 c1 1Krazy Person94
Wow, that's deep. I really liked that story and felt like I could connect with it.
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