Just In
for Fresh Powder

7/11/2016 c1 serwaverider
Another great one-shot, cute. I'm jealous of your writing ;)
5/4/2012 c1 AnonymousD
I loved this story and I love your attitude. I want to be your friend!
1/19/2012 c1 12polar.amity
Yep, thats a one-shot. The writting is fine, grammer good, plot ok, charecters interesting. I like the names and the little joks, it was great for keeping me entertained in the doctors waiting room, thank you.
11/4/2011 c1 minniemous
That was sweet and fun, I love Luke and Seth and hope you will give us a longer story with them again.
10/14/2011 c1 anaa-pixie
I think this is adorable! :D
10/1/2011 c1 anonymous
This is a really CUTE oneshot! I kind of wish that you would continue to write about this couple!
9/17/2011 c1 So sweet
I really enjoyed this one shot. Nicely done.
7/31/2011 c1 4Allegretto Brioso
Teehee that's adorable.
5/11/2011 c1 larafrancesca
Very very sweet, adorable. I love them too ;)
4/13/2011 c1 unused account 2345678
yes continue! if its not too late D; its so cute!
3/18/2011 c1 LivinLyfe2TheFullest
Seth and Luke are just adorable and so cute together
3/5/2011 c1 3Channitut
Nice story, I'm going to read all of your stories, I think. I liked Put It in Drive better although. Keep writing.
1/1/2011 c1 DanielleHalford
i loved it! please carry on?:D they are both so cute! ^^

what an amazing dream to have ahah! ;)
11/12/2010 c1 tell it to the sky
aww so cute! you should continue with this!
9/2/2010 c1 tessahawthorne
Soo adorable! I love that Luke is clumsy and Seth just finds it funny! Plus Lukes mom and I told you so! I really liked this one shot! More please :D
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