Just In
for Lost Without Each Other

8/8/2011 c25 3AJS
I have to say... this story is pretty cheesy. The ending dragged such that by the time they finally officially got together I wasn't even that happy. I think there are several parts of this story that lacked substance. The real meat was in the middle, which was good, but I think you needed to have explained their previous relationship more. I think you needed to have detailed that one time in Kansas more. I think you needed to show Cav's feelings about Adrienne more. I think everything just needed to be more and better explained and more thought out because this seemed just like an idea for a story but no actual details.

Best of luck with your writing.

- Alyssa
2/22/2011 c26 Dead Deactivated
3/21/2010 c25 5I Murder on Impulse
Love the story!


3/2/2010 c26 DA-chen1
Well well well... really nice story!

I have shared a few tears during reading this story... It was so romantic and so honest! I like when character are acting normal like humans which can think about their behaviour without acting ridiculous! Like in movies -.- NO, your characters acted like they would think over it and choose the right thing to do! :-)

3/2/2010 c14 DA-chen1
Wow, and I love your story even more!

Your style is great and your characters are interesting.

I hope, more people will read this!

3/2/2010 c1 DA-chen1
Wow, your style is really absorptive!

I was really captivated!

2/6/2010 c26 jmn23
Your story is full of emotions. Cav is a very complex person, which makes the story very interesting. I truly enjoyed reading the story. It i simply wonderful.
2/2/2010 c26 1Damned to heaven
11/22/2009 c26 14Sapphyre Nymph
this was great..

i loved it..
11/8/2009 c21 Jill
An alcoholic that ruined their liver by drinking would never be given a transplant short of someone dying and willing one to them...and even then it would have to be a really good match. They would not be considered a good candidate, because who's to say they won't start again and ruin their new liver? And then someone else out there was denied a liver so a person who had destroyed their own could have another to possibly drink to death. I'm sure if someone had been clean for years, they would perform a transplant...but even then, their prior alcoholism would be considered in determining their candidacy for a liver. As horrible as that sounds. Statistically, not many alcoholic cirrhosis patients who receive a new liver actually go back to drinking, but still, less than 10 percent of all liver transplants in the US are performed on people with alcoholic cirrhosis. Anyway, I just couldn't not comment on this little fact. So. Cheers!
10/29/2009 c24 j3welzinc
Reading this again for the millionth time. Love happy endings with the band theme.
10/17/2009 c25 11Tecna
That was a brilliant story! I really enjoyed it! I liked the way you focused on the relationship of Jaxon and Cavanaugh, but still touched upon her relationship with Miles and Andy.

I loved the interactions between the friends, that was great. I loved Andy's character, he's a great addition. Overall, a fab story, definitely worth a read!

Tecna ;)
9/9/2009 c26 Alenor
heya, great story. i'm happy they ended up together ~ Alenor
8/4/2009 c25 animegirl214
aw! :D :D :D

with all that drama they're FINALLY together! :D :D :D

thanks for the wonderful, awesome, adorable story!
6/28/2009 c25 Twist Their Emotions
Love it. Great characters, very original plot! Awesome job!
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