Just In
for When Finally Set Free

4/17/2016 c28 lizzy1414
Just finished reading this for the millionth time. lol
Just can't get enough, it's my go to story that always makes me smile.
You truly are an amazing writer.
9/14/2012 c28 2108DegreesIsHawt
I really liked this story :)
7/4/2011 c28 leavemeialone
I am satisfied with this ending. Patrick is such a sweetheart. I do believe he has the best intentions and he is such a good guy. I hate Jeremy, what a big fat jerk. I really love the characters here in this story. Emily has such a huge heart. I am glad that her sister is slowly recovering. It is hard the imagine that the therapist helps her, but I am glad to read that she is getting better. I really enjoyed this story. It is really realistic and not as other stories. Good work. :D
1/12/2011 c28 Barbie826
I liked Patrick and Em. But the whole family thing was a storyline I wasn't a fan of. I just mostly skipped over those parts.

The whole jeremy sleeping with someone else while he was with her, seemed I don't know.

And she forgives way to easily in my opinion.
4/6/2010 c28 Dwindling Fire
WOT! amazing, i reckon. you made it realistic and everything. loved it!
4/6/2010 c23 Dwindling Fire
Ally is an unappreciative cow. please. and omg, betya pats gonna come back and suprise her, and then see her with jeremy and assume the worst :S please no!
4/6/2010 c18 Dwindling Fire
ARGH! fina-freaking-ly! loll. and btw, i like your pen name :D
4/6/2010 c13 Dwindling Fire
gnaw! i love patrick! for the thousandth time and all that, but i cant help it! he's such a sweetheart!
4/6/2010 c9 Dwindling Fire
FINALLY! and jeremy is a complete and total ass. and please dont let them two get stuffed because of jeremy. darn it :L
4/6/2010 c8 Dwindling Fire
seriously loving this story. pretty realistic with ally and the dad. didn't know people like natalie actually existed though..thought they were definitely just fake, bit you seem to pull it off.

naw, i hope patrick n her patch it up soon, he's such a sweetheart! love it!
4/6/2010 c6 Dwindling Fire
4/6/2010 c5 Dwindling Fire
Jeremy is a giant buttface. and kayla is a biatch. patricks hilarious. james is gay. matt was funny, i hope theres more of him. there's my second grade summary :D
4/6/2010 c2 Dwindling Fire
He is an ass. Did she say anything dramatically bad about Jeremy when she was drunk or something? lol
4/6/2010 c1 Dwindling Fire
GASP! id jeremy breaks up with her, he is SUCH as ass. i like patrick. i like this story. loll. good work!
2/20/2010 c28 5I Murder on Impulse
LOVE this story!


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