Just In
for stop traffic

4/18/2009 c1 2roseallie
painted a beautiful image in my mind! its amazing how you can create such a vivid atmosphere with so few words. wonderful.
11/28/2008 c1 65Aquafied
boys make me lose my head

unfortunate and lucky
11/26/2008 c1 28mikey magee
This is a nice poem. It has an intersting image. One that will probably resonate with readers for a long time to come. What I like best about this is it's implicity. All too often I read poetry that doesn't know when to stop, or just overloads the reader with pictures that don't add anything to the poem.

But you gave one strong image, and whats even better is that it told a story. A snapshot into a person (or group of people's) way of life. I found myself reading this a few times actually.


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