Just In
for The Wind and the Water

3/8/2014 c1 Star Skies
Wonderful poem.
7/9/2013 c1 Arista Everett June
This is BEAUTIFUL. :)

4/3/2010 c1 5Penn Dalies
This was really good. It reminded me of NYC standing on the Hudson in South Manhattan. I could feel the freezing, stinging water. I love cold and this is the perfect example of why I enjoy it so much.
10/30/2009 c1 MIDDLEOFNOWEHR
:O I love this poem , It has a great rhythm and is very sort of..Strong. If you understand. x.x

10/16/2009 c1 59SoulSecret
I love the beautiful imagery you create here- I could almost taste the salty water and feel the gusts along with the poem's speaker. There is a very eternal and calm feeling which just emanates from your words. Overall, sensual and and captivating :)
8/17/2009 c1 Deletethisacc
This is beautiful. Very calming, relaxing. Great job! ^_^
8/3/2009 c1 6letyoursoultakeflight
I love the wild imagery here :)
8/3/2009 c1 26Mirabella

Truly lovely poetry. :)
5/22/2009 c1 46kyox88
lovely imagery~~i love especially the last two lines~~
4/4/2009 c1 36words.for.you-DLS
It's very vivid and I can feel/imagine it all. Nce job!
3/26/2009 c1 40Jareth the Monk
I've never seen the ocean though I've heard and smelled it in my dreams, but its always stormy. A good simple one this, and I found no mistakes in it. I recommend you listen to "Morning Sun" by Savatage (they are known as Trans Siberian Orchestra now).
3/22/2009 c1 1tonight we bloom
You are such an amazing writer! Probably one of the best on here. I loved this one just as much as I loved your shadow one. This one leaves me in such a calm mood, I feel like I'm right there in the wind by the water.

I just recently posted 2 stories and I'd love if you could read and review them. Feedback from an author like you would mean the world.
3/19/2009 c1 38Around.the.Rainbow

such a pretty poem.

I like it alot.

3/13/2009 c1 9Narq
I like the repetition of the first sentenence on all the stanzas, it gave a feeling that you are certianly on task and know what you are doing.

3/5/2009 c1 4starry-eyed-ocean
ah, i love this, i can relate to the emotions.

as i said, I've always been a child of the ocean.
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