Just In
for You're The Only One

8/17/2010 c3 Minti17
Really good! I loved it. Your story idea is really creative. Please post soon!
8/17/2010 c3 Maxii
Amazing! UPDATE :)
2/20/2009 c3 58MetroxStation
i really like this! cant wait 4 the next chapter
12/27/2008 c3 5Singers To The Back
:O Love the story ;D Update soon!
12/11/2008 c3 Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Ahh! Awesome chapter. I can't wait to read more and Marty and Ben TOTALLY need to ge together.
12/10/2008 c3 24SiriGrohl13
well...at least one couple is getting together...right? great chapter!
12/7/2008 c3 Alenor
marty's a dummy, he only said that because it's what she wanted to hear, or at least it's what she told him she wanted! can't wait for more ~ Alenor
12/7/2008 c3 CrazyInAGoodWay
i love it! post more soon!
12/6/2008 c3 4xlovextimesx
Aw, poor Marty. D:
12/6/2008 c2 sne8989
hey:), I liked reading this story, can't wait for more!
12/6/2008 c3 4E. Collins
Aw! So sad! I really like it though, and hope you update soon!


12/1/2008 c2 24SiriGrohl13
Oh boy...Ben is gonna be in TROUBLE...and so is Martina...hehehe...interesting...more please!
11/30/2008 c2 Alenor
heya, this is an awesome story so far, can't wait for more to see what happens when charlie walks in ~ Alenor
11/30/2008 c2 12StrawberryKisses08
Wow, really great job so far! Update soon please =D
11/30/2008 c2 4xlovextimesx
Haha, aw. (:
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