7/11/2014 c2
Wow... I really love this. Tay (Can I call her that? I get touchy when reviewers make up nicknames for my characters...) and Kijorn are super cute. There is such a lack of good GxG fiction on this site... and I love this! Keep it up!

Wow... I really love this. Tay (Can I call her that? I get touchy when reviewers make up nicknames for my characters...) and Kijorn are super cute. There is such a lack of good GxG fiction on this site... and I love this! Keep it up!
9/28/2012 c12
This chapter was extremely confusing. Everything. Especially the battles.. -_- Maybe it's just me, but remember, the reader can't read the writers mind. Please try to make things clearer next time. I think this story should be rated at 7 because of the confusion. :\ Would be ten though, considering it's uniqueness. Lastly, my fave character would be Shae and her dragon, but sadly you didn't really include them. :\ To all the other readers, this chart helps! :D
Adia - Kaejht, steel gray, 3.
Taiyls - Saojra, silver, 2.
Tayten - Kijorn, misty blue.
Shae - Najin, midnight black
James - Sejit, dark gold, 7.

This chapter was extremely confusing. Everything. Especially the battles.. -_- Maybe it's just me, but remember, the reader can't read the writers mind. Please try to make things clearer next time. I think this story should be rated at 7 because of the confusion. :\ Would be ten though, considering it's uniqueness. Lastly, my fave character would be Shae and her dragon, but sadly you didn't really include them. :\ To all the other readers, this chart helps! :D
Adia - Kaejht, steel gray, 3.
Taiyls - Saojra, silver, 2.
Tayten - Kijorn, misty blue.
Shae - Najin, midnight black
James - Sejit, dark gold, 7.
9/27/2012 c4 breakthehabit
Maybe it's cause I'm sleepy and exhausted, but whatever the reason I'm having a hard time with the names. :P Other than that, awesome story, and before I fall asleep I'm going to go to bed. :P Be back tomorrow! Love this.
Maybe it's cause I'm sleepy and exhausted, but whatever the reason I'm having a hard time with the names. :P Other than that, awesome story, and before I fall asleep I'm going to go to bed. :P Be back tomorrow! Love this.
6/15/2009 c12
2Kassandra Duric
Wow. I hope Tayten gets the strangth and curage to mount Kijorn and they fly after Igor and help the dragon as best as they can. Please, hurry and post.

Wow. I hope Tayten gets the strangth and curage to mount Kijorn and they fly after Igor and help the dragon as best as they can. Please, hurry and post.
5/15/2009 c11
2Kassandra Duric
Damn. I wander what's going on and why that dragon just attacked another out of no where. This can't be good. .

Damn. I wander what's going on and why that dragon just attacked another out of no where. This can't be good. .
5/2/2009 c10 Kassandra Duric
WHy doesn't Taiyls just take Tayten with her and Tayten start her lessons at a later date? I mean they just really got together! T_T Please update soon.
WHy doesn't Taiyls just take Tayten with her and Tayten start her lessons at a later date? I mean they just really got together! T_T Please update soon.
2/19/2009 c9 Kassandra Duric
That was a sweet chapter. I wander who the guy that's just like Tayten's exboyfriend is. Do we all ready know him?
That was a sweet chapter. I wander who the guy that's just like Tayten's exboyfriend is. Do we all ready know him?
2/18/2009 c8 Kassandra Duric
Very nice. I really liked it. I especiolly liked the fact that Kijorn finally learned how to fly. Please, hurry and update.
Very nice. I really liked it. I especiolly liked the fact that Kijorn finally learned how to fly. Please, hurry and update.
1/17/2009 c7 Kassandra Duric
I really liked this chapter. The length was good, the plot to the chapter was good. Everything was great. I hope you can update it soon. ^_^
I really liked this chapter. The length was good, the plot to the chapter was good. Everything was great. I hope you can update it soon. ^_^
12/7/2008 c6 Kassandra Duric
Awe. How sweet. They got together. ^_^ That's so cute. They make a good couple all ready. Any way, keep up the good work and update soon.
Awe. How sweet. They got together. ^_^ That's so cute. They make a good couple all ready. Any way, keep up the good work and update soon.
12/6/2008 c5 Kassandra Duric
Oh my god. That was so hot in the end. Any way I liked it. I hope Tayten choses to be with Taiyls. ^_^ Keep up the good work and up date this thing soon. ^_^
Oh my god. That was so hot in the end. Any way I liked it. I hope Tayten choses to be with Taiyls. ^_^ Keep up the good work and up date this thing soon. ^_^
12/5/2008 c4 Kassandra Duric
I liked it. Hurry up and update it. ^_^ Can't wait to read the next chapter.
I liked it. Hurry up and update it. ^_^ Can't wait to read the next chapter.
12/4/2008 c3 Kassandra Duric
Awe! That's so sweet. Are Tayten and Taiyls now a couple? Oh well, that's kindda hot if it is like that. Anyway, did something that happened to Tayten happen to Taiyls? Makes me even more curious. Please, hurry up and update the story. ^_^
Awe! That's so sweet. Are Tayten and Taiyls now a couple? Oh well, that's kindda hot if it is like that. Anyway, did something that happened to Tayten happen to Taiyls? Makes me even more curious. Please, hurry up and update the story. ^_^
12/3/2008 c2 Kassandra Duric
Awe. I feel so sorry for Tayten. At least now with Kiforn around if her boyfriend tries to hurt her he wont get the chance. ^_^ Hurry up and update it soon.
Awe. I feel so sorry for Tayten. At least now with Kiforn around if her boyfriend tries to hurt her he wont get the chance. ^_^ Hurry up and update it soon.