Just In
for The Quest of Two Cousins

1/7/2009 c28 3writing-addict77
I like this story. All the twists and turns it took...very nice. Can't wait for the next one from you!
1/7/2009 c23 writing-addict77
Ok, so I seriously just said, "What the hell?" when Charles was alive. The man is frickin' awesome! And he's a cat, I know he is.

I can't wait to read more!
12/20/2008 c22 writing-addict77
They...killed...Charles...but he was so cool! AH! (tear)

I hope part three comes soon...I can't wait!
12/19/2008 c21 writing-addict77
The guard Dorian makes me think of The Portrait of dorian Gray that I just read...cool book.

Love this story, just so ya know.
12/19/2008 c19 writing-addict77
Wow. I have a feeling she's going to escape though...
12/19/2008 c18 writing-addict77
But...but...Madeline can't betray them. Her and Joseph were in love...but she tricked him, didn't she? God! She was so cool! Curious about her past now.
12/19/2008 c17 writing-addict77
Will we see the gods again? They would be useful in battle against France. Like the dead in Lord of the Rings!

I like Merkon, he's cool (did I say that already?).
12/19/2008 c16 writing-addict77
Did you know that in ancient mythology the gods often tried- and sometimes succeeded-killed their people because they were not pleased with how the people acted? Yay for psychotic mythology!

Anyway, cool chapter. Gonna keep going.
12/14/2008 c15 writing-addict77
Love it! I like Merkon, but something about him makes me not want to trust him...I don't know what though. Hm...

Oh well, hope you update soon!
12/10/2008 c13 writing-addict77
Yay! I love them all! I liked the priestess too, even thought she was barely in it. She seems like she could kick butt.

Can't wait for part two! How many parts will there be?
12/10/2008 c12 writing-addict77
Ok the candle part reminded me of the Star Trek Next Generation episode where Crusher's grandma dies and she meets this guy who's relly a spirit thing that only exists because of the light that's burning.

Is all of this happening inside the volcano? I'm kinda confused, but I like it. I like that Madeline can fight. She's awesome.
12/10/2008 c8 writing-addict77
I'm with Charles on this one. Joseph is being foolish. He'll come around though, I know it.

I love Basil. He seems like he is usually always happy, but because his daughter is gone, he is sad. Poor Basil.
12/10/2008 c7 writing-addict77
YAY! Charles is AWESOME! I can't wait for him to kick Edward's butt!
12/10/2008 c6 writing-addict77
Holy crap Jean-Pierre died. I liked him. Oh well, Sir Joseph is alive and so is his love! Now can we find out who the guy is?
12/6/2008 c5 writing-addict77
Aw, Joseph's in love. Cool. Maybe the mystery man will be revealed soon...I like the humor he had.

Can't wait for another update!
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