Just In
for Addie and Tria

3/17/2009 c9 jessica loves a7x
absolutely amazing story so far !1
3/17/2009 c7 1Dark-Hunter2009
3/17/2009 c5 Dark-Hunter2009
OMG! i love them! they are so good together and so down to earth.i almost cried..well i do have a weak crier thing so whatever its probley jsut me.

i liek Addi better but im partial to bad boys too.

i love this and im adding it to favorites thank you.
3/12/2009 c9 Siese
Aww, I love it! They're adorable. Keep up the amazing work.
3/12/2009 c9 7writing.is.an.addiction
No where close to hate, I liked the ending :-) and agree with where you stopped it

Another really cute post

Keep at it :-)
3/11/2009 c9 ShadowMe
The chapter was great. You did good ending it where you did. Great job! Hope to see more soon.
3/11/2009 c9 DefineNightmare
Aw, that was a great fluffer -LOL. Tria is so sweet!

update sooN!
3/8/2009 c8 12Ryette
:) These boys are so funny, in a childish weird way. They act like little kids, which I love! Squee!

My favorite line was: “What? Your first thought when she said Rome wasn’t, I’m going to play Gladiators with Addison in the Roman Coliseum?”

That made me giggle :) Keep it up! Nice work, as always :D

...too many smilies in this review...Okay, only 3, but still.

3/7/2009 c8 7writing.is.an.addiction
So cute :-)
3/7/2009 c8 DefineNightmare
Aww that was so cute! I wold have thought the same thing Addie did lol.

update sooN!
2/27/2009 c7 ShadowMe
I definitely want to know what happens in Italy/London/Aspen. Really like your story. My favorite would have to be the first chapter.
2/27/2009 c7 DefineNightmare
I couldn't help but laugh at the end, only Tria would do that.

The trip sounds interesting, maybe a few cute scenes would be with it -shrugs-

update sooN! xD xD Xd
2/20/2009 c6 Siese
Aww! That made me sad. Beautifully written, as usual. You never fail to deliver. :-)

2/20/2009 c6 DefineNightmare
Wait, I'm a little confused. This is the end of this story, or there is going to be another one?
2/12/2009 c5 11Torn and Tattered
It's awesome x9.99
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