Just In
for To Feel the Sun

6/6/2021 c19 Guest
Beautiful! It was absolutely amazing! It was the whole deal - a journey filled with so many emotions. Loved it! Thank you for sharing your story with us :)
6/24/2019 c16 Maia the Writer
I just found your story and I haven't stopped reading it! Jonah is awesome and I love him and Gracie together. I can't believe how Carlin turned out to be a bastard and that Sarah and Simon willingly believe in Carlin's lies. I am interested in the next chapters to see how everything ties up.
1/22/2019 c19 zagato
This is a lovely story, and I'm happy to have found it by serendipity. I was looking at the favorite stories of the authors of my favorite stories when I came upon the profile of Charlotte Isla and then found To Feel the Sun. I
like Grace and Jonah very much. Thank you!
1/22/2019 c18 zagato
This is so wonderful, so Devon is the blue-haired poet in the story with Danielle. In the other chapters, Danielle is clearly observant and insightful. I believe they will make a great couple. Thanks!
1/22/2019 c16 zagato
Jonah to the rescue, thank you!
1/22/2019 c15 zagato
Finally, we get Jonah's history, thanks!
1/22/2019 c14 zagato
This is so sweet and lovely and beautiful , my most favorite chapter. Thank you for writing this.
1/22/2019 c13 zagato
Wow, this is heavy. I feel so bad for Grace and Danielle. Carlin is so bad, I understand Simon, thanks.
1/22/2019 c2 zagato
This is a great story, thank you, I'm intrigued to read more.
1/7/2017 c19 A Girl
Hello. Just want to let you know that this is one of my favorite stories. I loved how you built up the romance between Jonah and Gracie. I loved how you wrote Sarah and Gracie's relationship. I love your portrayal of how Simon and Gracie's relationship did not work out. I know you wrote this a long time ago, and I read it a few years ago, but still I read it again and again. This story never fails to make my heart feel better. It always makes me smile. Thank you for writing this.
11/8/2016 c1 anon25
you are literally my fav author ever. and this is my fav story ever. i come back to read this over and over and over again. i've done this so many times over the years. this story is just so special to me. maybe it's because i can relate to grace on more than a few levels. and i just absolutely love jonah - i think everyone essentially wants someone like jonah, someone who can see them for who they are. i've never been in a relationship before (and i'm in my 20s) but this story gives me hope. just love everything about this, it's written so beautifully. thank you for this story, it's just got a hold on me! life wouldn't be the same without it :)
6/12/2016 c14 ugh
this is so perfect i can't
1/30/2016 c20 1Du
I really enjoyed reading this. It was quite fun :) I didn't find Grace obnoxious in the least, just a little oblivious, but that's okay. I loved Jonah from the start. Maybe it's just 'cause I'm a sucker for Irishmen, but gah. Thank you for writing this! I'm off to read the sequel ;)
12/13/2015 c20 Ai
Please continue writing! I think you are active on Twitter, but you're not active on here...
11/4/2015 c17 butjonah
I feel bad for Laura. Sure, the comment about Gracie being with the cellist and Carlin was a no-no, but it wasn't her fault she was attracted to and wanted to make a move on Jonas, without knowing about Gracie and Jonas's...thing. Jonas and Gracie don't even know what's going on between them. And she got harshly rebuffed and laughed at. Poor woman.
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