Just In
for To Feel the Sun

3/17/2011 c19 1Ceri Anne
Amazing. I started reading this whilst waiting for you to update 100 love letters and... wow! I', obviously going to have to read the sequels and one shots linked to this now! Can't wait!
2/14/2011 c19 2akaCHEEKS
Oh my god that is so cute! I wasn't even expecting her to get together with Jonah. What a really nice twist there! And I'm a sucker for Irish accents! I honestly believed that she was either going to end up with Simon or that Carlin will divorce his wife and get together with her. I didn't even see him as an adulterer coming. That was so out of no where but good plot!
2/13/2011 c10 akaCHEEKS
"It was still hella awkward, but we were in my apartment," Are you from the Bay Area? I know for a fact that people from the east coast doesn't use that term "hella" and those from SoCal hate it while people from the midwest just finds it odd. I'm just wondering since I've asked this question from another author before but sadly I was moded.
1/14/2011 c19 Heise
Awesome story. Love Jonah. I always knew Simon was an "eh" character.
1/2/2011 c20 witeaya
what a beautiful story. love the plots.

i felt it from the start that gracie and simon will not hit it off. she cant even bother to remember his name. that's a big sign, i say.

oh, and i still cant get over how bi.tchy sarah acted. even if she was convinced that gracie was a slut there was no need to practically tell the whole world,no? she is a bitter bi.tch.

love your ending.

12/30/2010 c20 Dead KilleR
Very nice story! :)
12/29/2010 c4 13youngin-matomon
holy crap that was f-ing funny! i'll put in an actual review later i just wanna read now!
12/21/2010 c19 chillinwithRAYintheuk
... I am speechless. I read this whole story in one sitting and all I have to say is WOW. actually wow does not accurately describe it but it's the best I can come up with :) hands down the best story I have read on fictionpress so far :D oh ya I also read So Real like immediately after this cuz I was in a desperate craze for more :) Jonah and Gracie arey favorite couple. I don't know why I love them so much but I just do. You should seriously write another story about them! Or at least some one-shots. Once they got together I felt like I didn't get enough of them :( so I would just be so so so so etc. happy if you did another story or some one-shots about them. You know, Christmas is coming up soon... :) it could be a christmahannukwanzikah gift to me and all the other Jonah/Gracie fans! So if you ever have the time...? :) :) :) to prevent myself from rambling any further I am going to stop right here and just say kudos and thanks much for being talented and awesome and writing this wonderful story which seriously brings happiness into my life and a smile on my face :) thank you. Have a wonderful week and if you celebrate Christmas, have an excellent Christmas and hope you get to enjoy the season with family and friends :)
12/21/2010 c19 Aradia Cloud
Hells yeah. This was awesome. It was so frustrating and nice and other words that describe the greatness of it all.


$*Aradia Cloud*$
12/21/2010 c18 Aradia Cloud
I'll let you have him Gracie. Only coz I like you.
12/21/2010 c17 Aradia Cloud
I still don't like cello boy, and I still dislike Sarah.


"Jonah?" Aradia Cloud spoke, a note of determination seeping into her voice.

Jonah looked up from the document his eyes were scanning rather quickly and removed his glasses to look the young woman directly in the eyes. "Yes?" He answered.

"Marry me."

He stood calmly from behind his desk and approached her. "Shouldn't it be the other way around, Ms. Cloud?"

"Well..." Aradia Cloud hopped onto his desk and smiled brilliantly at him. "This is the year of 2010. The times have changed."

"Do you also expect for me to fall all over myself in a crying fit of joy, and accept your offer just like that?" He stood in the front of her and raised an eyebrow in question.

Aradia Cloud shrugged. "I can do without the crying."

Jonah smiled and picked me-*cough* Aradia Cloud off the desk to stand me-*oops* her on the floor. "Where would you like to purchase our rings?"

And they got married and lived happily ever after. The end.
12/21/2010 c16 Aradia Cloud
Don't forgive her. GOD. Now I'm ticked off all over again.
12/21/2010 c15 Aradia Cloud
I'm cool.
12/21/2010 c14 Aradia Cloud
Ooh. Ok. I'm not gonna rant about what a total b i t c h Sarah is. I'm not. Coz I'm too freakin pissed to keep typing.

Jesus take the wheel.
12/21/2010 c13 Aradia Cloud
Oh my god. Okay.

First of all: Sarah can just go and die a very slow and painful death. Even if you're f u c k i n' ticked off you should not do this kind of S H I T to your SISTER. And she's your god d a m n e d twin, for christ sake. I'm very disappointed in you.

Second: Good freaking riddance to you cello BOY (you're not a man) coz I never liked you from the get go.

Third: Carlin, you give a very bad name to all Carlins everywhere, including my seven-year-old neighbor. You no good, lying, cheating, worthless, cocksucking bastard; I hope you crash in a plane.

Yosh. That felt very nice to get all of that out. Hope you're not offended that I'm badmouthing your characters. But I like to be quite honest in my feedback.
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