11/4/2015 c16 BbbutJonah
Also: I agreed with a lot of the things that Sarah aaid to Grace, but she shouldn't have said it the way she did, especially for the reasons she did. Glad she's finally realizing what a Grade A B**** she'd been.
Also: I agreed with a lot of the things that Sarah aaid to Grace, but she shouldn't have said it the way she did, especially for the reasons she did. Glad she's finally realizing what a Grade A B**** she'd been.
11/4/2015 c16 butJonah
How is Danielle so perfect? How!? I kind of wish you'd written a story centered on her.
Moving on, I loved the fluff. So cute! Cue squealing.
How is Danielle so perfect? How!? I kind of wish you'd written a story centered on her.
Moving on, I loved the fluff. So cute! Cue squealing.
11/4/2015 c15 butJOOOOONAH
Okay. Okay. I. Just. Okay.
I really appreciated the self-evaluation in this chapter.
Okay. Okay. I. Just. Okay.
I really appreciated the self-evaluation in this chapter.
11/4/2015 c14 butJonah
Um. Well. That was some timing, Jonah. I love you, but your timing...to finally come out and confess like that...yeah, your timing needs work. It seems a bit uncharacteristic of you to blurt everything out like that and make a move now, too. But oh well. I'll just shut up now and be happy things are finally moving forward.
Um. Well. That was some timing, Jonah. I love you, but your timing...to finally come out and confess like that...yeah, your timing needs work. It seems a bit uncharacteristic of you to blurt everything out like that and make a move now, too. But oh well. I'll just shut up now and be happy things are finally moving forward.
11/4/2015 c13 Guest
Ohhhh...well. That happened. At least now I have the answer to why we never saw much of Carlin despite Gracie being infatuated with him. Gracie may be dense, but readers would've seen how facetious Carlin was and it would've given everything away too soon.
And now Sarah...well.
Ohhhh...well. That happened. At least now I have the answer to why we never saw much of Carlin despite Gracie being infatuated with him. Gracie may be dense, but readers would've seen how facetious Carlin was and it would've given everything away too soon.
And now Sarah...well.
11/4/2015 c11 Guest
"Love triangles always were popular."
The irony.
I'm banging my head into a desk here, because I usually dislike the cliché triangles as much as I hate the Billionaire Playboy cliché because I usually end up rooting for the underdog. I think I'm okay here though, because I doubt you'll end with Grace and Simon still together (Lord, I hope not).
Also banging my head because Laura is such the stereotypically rival that's going to force Grace to reevaluate her opinion on Jonah.
"Love triangles always were popular."
The irony.
I'm banging my head into a desk here, because I usually dislike the cliché triangles as much as I hate the Billionaire Playboy cliché because I usually end up rooting for the underdog. I think I'm okay here though, because I doubt you'll end with Grace and Simon still together (Lord, I hope not).
Also banging my head because Laura is such the stereotypically rival that's going to force Grace to reevaluate her opinion on Jonah.
11/4/2015 c10 butJONAHHH
Agh. This is painful. Gracie has so far been coming off as a dense, sheltered, unobservant woman-child, but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that circumstances haven't really brought out the best in her. She's basically leading Simon on, when it's very obvious you shouldn't date a guy you feel awkward around, are constantly trying to placate, don't feel like working out your problems with (!), and react with an 'ugh' at the thought of kissing him. How can someone be so dense?
But we've seen glimpses of an awesome character when she's around her friends or Jonah. Examples: her loyalty to and consideration for Cassie (however influenced by her own Eponine Complex), and her willingness to drop everything and help Jonah in the office. But so far, they've remained glimpses. :/
She still hasn't properly apologized for calling Simon 'The Help' (she's only made excuses for her behavior, despite it growing increasingly obvious Simon has an inferiority complex closely linked to that comment of hers). She's leading Simon on. She remains dissatisfied with her life, but unwilling to make steps to change it, mired in her own complacency. She doesn't think too deeply about anyone else or anything else outside of her own issues/feelings. She fails to acknowledge her privileges beyond taking them for granted and seeing that her family is very wealthy.
And, uh, why exactly does she love Carlin so much? We haven't seen much of him, and probably for good reason, but I'm not really seeing why she's so infatuated. Maybe glimpses of what makes him so special to her would help explain why she's so stuck on him? And why she's so unable to move on?
Agh. This is painful. Gracie has so far been coming off as a dense, sheltered, unobservant woman-child, but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that circumstances haven't really brought out the best in her. She's basically leading Simon on, when it's very obvious you shouldn't date a guy you feel awkward around, are constantly trying to placate, don't feel like working out your problems with (!), and react with an 'ugh' at the thought of kissing him. How can someone be so dense?
But we've seen glimpses of an awesome character when she's around her friends or Jonah. Examples: her loyalty to and consideration for Cassie (however influenced by her own Eponine Complex), and her willingness to drop everything and help Jonah in the office. But so far, they've remained glimpses. :/
She still hasn't properly apologized for calling Simon 'The Help' (she's only made excuses for her behavior, despite it growing increasingly obvious Simon has an inferiority complex closely linked to that comment of hers). She's leading Simon on. She remains dissatisfied with her life, but unwilling to make steps to change it, mired in her own complacency. She doesn't think too deeply about anyone else or anything else outside of her own issues/feelings. She fails to acknowledge her privileges beyond taking them for granted and seeing that her family is very wealthy.
And, uh, why exactly does she love Carlin so much? We haven't seen much of him, and probably for good reason, but I'm not really seeing why she's so infatuated. Maybe glimpses of what makes him so special to her would help explain why she's so stuck on him? And why she's so unable to move on?
11/4/2015 c9 butJONAH
Oh my goodness. Notice Simon asks Sarah about which suit he should wear, not Grace. Notice their kisses/pecks don't have any particular effect on Grace. Notice they can't even ride the elevator without it being awkward. Notice their mean interactions were never really resolved and leave a bad taste. Notice "Jonah was the odd man out, but he looked far more at ease than Simon." Notice how Simon says, "That's how I met Sarah and Grace," mentioning Sarah first. Notice how ill-at-ease Simon is around displays of wealth (which I completely understand, but he's being really negative and making others discomfortable now, which is a no-no). Notice how Gracie pays more attention to Jonah than to Simon. Notice how desperate I am to nitpick every single thing about Simon and Grace's relationship. (Becausethey'resoNOTrightforeachotherbutwhatever.)
On a slightly different note, I'd had my suspicions, but I've finally settled on the conclusion that Grace isn't the sharpest tack in the drawer. "[Jonah] certainly was making things difficult." Er, no. It's Simon who's the new addition, and Simon who's making things difficult. Ohhh, Gracie. You frustrate me. I know you're rich and spoiled while discomfited by reminders of your humongous privilege backpack, but you seriously have some growing up to do.
On a closing note: Grace, you NEED to take Jonah to Ireland!
Oh my goodness. Notice Simon asks Sarah about which suit he should wear, not Grace. Notice their kisses/pecks don't have any particular effect on Grace. Notice they can't even ride the elevator without it being awkward. Notice their mean interactions were never really resolved and leave a bad taste. Notice "Jonah was the odd man out, but he looked far more at ease than Simon." Notice how Simon says, "That's how I met Sarah and Grace," mentioning Sarah first. Notice how ill-at-ease Simon is around displays of wealth (which I completely understand, but he's being really negative and making others discomfortable now, which is a no-no). Notice how Gracie pays more attention to Jonah than to Simon. Notice how desperate I am to nitpick every single thing about Simon and Grace's relationship. (Becausethey'resoNOTrightforeachotherbutwhatever.)
On a slightly different note, I'd had my suspicions, but I've finally settled on the conclusion that Grace isn't the sharpest tack in the drawer. "[Jonah] certainly was making things difficult." Er, no. It's Simon who's the new addition, and Simon who's making things difficult. Ohhh, Gracie. You frustrate me. I know you're rich and spoiled while discomfited by reminders of your humongous privilege backpack, but you seriously have some growing up to do.
On a closing note: Grace, you NEED to take Jonah to Ireland!
11/4/2015 c8 bbbutJonah
Jonah is so obvious. How is Grace so oblivious. How.
He's upset about the 'social visits' because it's your new boyfriend making them. He and Simon both shift in discomfort when Carlin is mentioned because both like you. He gets all grumpy when you let Simon kiss your cheek. All of this. So. Obvious.
Also, Sarah and Simon work with each other, or at least near each other - perfect positioning to grow closer...
Jonah is so obvious. How is Grace so oblivious. How.
He's upset about the 'social visits' because it's your new boyfriend making them. He and Simon both shift in discomfort when Carlin is mentioned because both like you. He gets all grumpy when you let Simon kiss your cheek. All of this. So. Obvious.
Also, Sarah and Simon work with each other, or at least near each other - perfect positioning to grow closer...
11/4/2015 c7 butJonah
My mind is in overdrive trying to think of reasons why Jonah is better. Because he might be suffering from Eponine Complex, even though he and Grace aren't exactly biffles. Because he's so obviously interested in her. Because she' interested enough in him to Facebook stalk him. (I'm being redundant and restating things from my last review now, aren't I?)
Crazy theory: what if Sarah is pushing Simon on Gracie because SHE's interested in him? What if Liam has lasted that long not because he's a tiger in the sack, but because Sarah needs someone to distract her from her interest in Simon? What if Simon decides Sarah is the twin he wants?
Then Simon and Sarah can be together and Jonah can finally make a move. Or Gracie can wise up and make a move on him.
My mind is in overdrive trying to think of reasons why Jonah is better. Because he might be suffering from Eponine Complex, even though he and Grace aren't exactly biffles. Because he's so obviously interested in her. Because she' interested enough in him to Facebook stalk him. (I'm being redundant and restating things from my last review now, aren't I?)
Crazy theory: what if Sarah is pushing Simon on Gracie because SHE's interested in him? What if Liam has lasted that long not because he's a tiger in the sack, but because Sarah needs someone to distract her from her interest in Simon? What if Simon decides Sarah is the twin he wants?
Then Simon and Sarah can be together and Jonah can finally make a move. Or Gracie can wise up and make a move on him.
11/4/2015 c6 Guest
Totally rooting for Jonah. Even though Grace is somehow completely oblivious to anything that pertains to him. Because his bitterness when talking about parents being interested was so obviously pointing to that depressing phone call being family related. And because his reactions to hearing Grace mention other guys are so Obvious. With a capital 'o'.
But come on, Grace is meant for Jonah.
People keep pushing her toward Simon, but she's not even interested. She hasn't even Facebook stalked him, for chrissake. Notice who she has stalked, though. Hint hint.
Totally rooting for Jonah. Even though Grace is somehow completely oblivious to anything that pertains to him. Because his bitterness when talking about parents being interested was so obviously pointing to that depressing phone call being family related. And because his reactions to hearing Grace mention other guys are so Obvious. With a capital 'o'.
But come on, Grace is meant for Jonah.
People keep pushing her toward Simon, but she's not even interested. She hasn't even Facebook stalked him, for chrissake. Notice who she has stalked, though. Hint hint.
9/29/2015 c19 Guest
9/29/2015 c8 Guest
damn it i want gracie jonah i mean i support simon/gracie but aghhh
damn it i want gracie jonah i mean i support simon/gracie but aghhh
8/26/2015 c19 BlueBells
Love this so much! This is sweet. Do write more. :)
Love this so much! This is sweet. Do write more. :)
6/21/2015 c20 SnoQueen
I have never had a thing for lawyers...but man. Right now, I want to go find myself a hot, defense lawyer to marry.
An amazing story! Thank you for sharing!
I have never had a thing for lawyers...but man. Right now, I want to go find myself a hot, defense lawyer to marry.
An amazing story! Thank you for sharing!